Episode 7: Black as Night, Bright as Gold

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A Ship flew into the Solar System, and approached the side of the Planet where the Kisasi were located. The Spacecraft looked like a variant of the Kisasi's warships, it was red with jagged edges, and had a flag perched on the top.

The Alien Craft flew past the Kisasi ships without any interference from the Empire, much to the confusion of the commanders. "Sire, what is the ship doing here?" One of the Generals asked.

The Prince sat back on his throne and put his hands behind his head. "Don't worry about it. For now at least."

"You really didn't bring those two in, did you?" One of the Prince's Generals questioned.

Normally the Prince would get irritated at his underlings questioning, however given that the two he called in were, unstable to say the least, he for once, somewhat understood the concern. Hell, he himself wasn't 100% sure if this plan would end well. "Well sometimes you have to fight fire with fire." The Prince said in a calm demeanor, before turning his head and faced another one of his commanders. "In the meantime, send down a squad to deal with the six Pirates."

The Commander bowed down. "Yes boss."

Kion looked out of his room as he saw Kisasi ships fly into the atmosphere, their canons powered up as they began to fire upon the planet. "DAD!" Kion shouted as he ran from his room.



Kion woke up from his sleep. He yawned a bit and looked outside to see that it was noon already, which surprised him since he couldn't sleep in due to his crew, or specifically Bunga, making so much noise once they were awake. The Red Ranger wiped the tears from his eyes as he began to put on his clothes and walk out to the deck.

"Hey Kion!" Bunga shouted as he noticed him enter the room.

"Hey." He said as he walked over to his chair and sat down, trying to wake himself up. Once he sat down he held his arm up on the armrest of the chair so he could hold his head up. He slowly blinked and his breath was shaky.

"How did you sleep?" Rani asked, noticing Kion's distressed state.

The boy shrugged his shoulders. "Alright, I guess." He lied.

"You had those dreams again, didn't you?" Rani asked, since she could somewhat tell whenever her leader was on edge because of the nightmares he had ever since he escaped his homeworld.

"Does it matter?" He coldly responded.

"If you don't want to talk about it, yeah."

"Well it's not like everyone else is so eager to talk about their past."

Just then the alarms went off. Ono rushed over to the console, and typed in a few commands, pulling up a map of the city. "The Kisasi are back!" Ono shouted.

Kion stood up from his seat and pulled out his morpher. "Alright, let's go!"

The six leapt down from the ship, already morphed into their ranger forms, and descended onto the ground below. The group landed, and Kion was the first to begin attacking. The other five were somewhat confused by the Red Ranger's hostility, but didn't think about it for too long as they too joined the battle.

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