Episode 3: Song of the Earth

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"HOW IS IT THAT THE MOST ELITE SOLDIERS IN THE UNIVERSE ARE UNABLE TO CONQUER ONE MEASLEY PLANET!!!" The Prince yelled as he slammed his fist on his control console. "The Humans on this Planet have technology millions of years behind us, have a pathetic global defense system, and will throw a tantrum if someone makes a joke, so how are they not dead yet?!"

"Sir, whenever we make any attempts to invade the planet those pirates always get in the way." One of the generals specified.


"We tried that last week sir. Those six just always show up."

"AHHHH! I want a profile on those six at once. And in the meantime, wipe those six off the face of the Planet. The sooner we get rid of them the better. Otherwise you will be the one to explain to my father how we are losing to six teenagers in spandex! Got it?"

The general bowed down. "Yes boss."

"I spoke to some of the people from the city, and I told them, that the forrest and those who live there are not the ones for us to fear." Spoke a man, who had spiky hair, wore a white and grey striped shirt, with a short sleeved red vest over the shirt. And who stood behind him were the people of Briarwood, the city that has been the victim of several attacks from various supernatural beings.

"And I spoke the same truth to those in the forest. Either we stay the way we were, and perish, OR we stand together and fight the real evil!" Spoke the half-troll and half goblin creature known as Phineas, with the residence of Earth's Magical Dimension standing behind him.

"Power Rangers, you have fought all year for us. Your magic is used up, well now let us give you some of our magic."

"That's right, you're not the only ones, all of us believe in Magic thanks to you." Both humans and mystical creatures walked up surrounding the rangers, united as they joined hands. "That's right!"

The rangers looked in awe as they saw the union between the humans and creatures of the forest, in disbelief that this was even possible. Everyone raised their hands in the air, united as one. "Let's show them together!"

"TOGETHER, WE BELIEVE IN MAGIC!" Shouted the crowd in unison, as all the magic they had created went straight to the rangers that stood in the center of the crowd. From there a bright yellow glow emitted from the rangers as everyone stood back.

Once the light died down, there stood 8 warriors. Everyone cheered, as they had brought back the Power Rangers.


"SOLARIS KNIGHT!" Shouted the gold ranger, who had Ono's voice.


"GREEN MYSTIC RANGER!" Shouted the green ranger, who had Beshte's voice.

"PINK MYSTIC RANGER!" Shouted the pink ranger, who had Rani's voice.

"BLUE MYSTIC RANGER!" Shouted the blue ranger, who had Bunga's voice, but also wore the male version of the suit.

"YELLOW MYSTIC RANGER!" Shouted the yellow ranger, who had Fuli's voice, but also wore the female version of the suit.

"RED MYSTIC RANGER!" Shouted the red ranger, who had Kion's voice.

"We call forth the magic, together as one, united for all time! Power Rangers, MYSTIC FORCE!" The 8 multi-colored warriors shouted in unison, as their excess energy from the morph went off behind them, creating a massive fireball behind the multi-colored warriors.

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