The More the Merrier

Start from the beginning

Haseul has always known of Jungeun, but never known her personally. The two have always shared a class here and there, said cordial hellos. But nothing else, really. They've always been friendly and that's about it. But she, like Jinsol, has observed her for the far. Jungeun honestly seemed like a boring character at first, but there's something about her. Of course, there's that sincerity and gentleness when she talks. Haseul would shamelessly eavesdrop on conversations between Jungeun and whatever nun is teaching at the time, as Jungeun is very polite and just... nice. She's felt like Jungeun has the comfort of a warm cup of coffee, even if they're not close. There's just a radiance to her. Jungeun is confident in her actions yet reserved in nature, so she's often more of a "speak when spoken to" person, Haseul has noticed. She never wants to bother the girl but... she may have to. It's been long enough.

Haseul struts over to Jungeun, her white adidas thudding against the tile. It's a little weird to be fully clothed in the gym area, though Haseul is only here for a quick visit.

"Afternoon, Jungeun." Haseul catches the younger girl's attention as she sits on the edge of the pool, soft cinnamon eyes looking at Haseul curiously through wet strands of hair. Cute.

"Hey, Haseul. Didn't expect to see you here... you're usually chillin' with your friends, yeah?" Jungeun slicks her hair back out of her face, rising to her feet. There goes that brilliant smile that Jinsol is too afraid to admit that she loves. It really is beautiful, Haseul thinks. Definitely something you'd fall in love with. Haseul returns her smile back, straightening out her shirt.

"Yeah, usually. But I wanted a change of pace and remembered that you and I share the same gym period so there we go." Haseul blushes a light pink after hearing a soft giggle from Jungeun.

"Fair enough. Hey uh, let's continue this talk after I'm dried off. I feel like a prune."


After Gym, Haseul and Jungeun find themselves outside during their free period. They sit on the bleachers near the school's biggest track, chatting as they watch people do their laps. Jungeun has an oversized maroon hoodie over her uniform blazer, looking as cute as a button to Haseul. The older girl has been listening to Jungeun's history with swimming, admiring the way the girl's eyes light up.
"You sure like to talk with your hands." Haseul's sudden observation catches Jungeun off guard, the younger girl's ears going crimson as she tries to explain herself.

"Well you know it just helps a story flow better-" Jungeun is overheating trying to explain herself, her hands now frantically moving as the girl becomes progressively embarrassed for no reason. Haseul laughs gently, and it stops Jungeun in her tracks. The older girl's laugh is so melodic, like the chime of a bell. It's pretty, to say the least.

"It wasn't an accusation, Jungeun. It's cute." Haseul reassures, grinning at the younger girl. Jungeun's heart stops. Man, I'm horrible with pretty girls. Jungeun exhales through her nose. Now's not the time to be a dork, pour on the charm!

"My hands and I thank you!" Jungeun pulls out the finger guns again. While she isn't in any way, shape or form as religious as Jinsol, Jungeun thinks she hears an angel when Haseul laughs wholeheartedly at the dorky display. Jungeun can't help but laugh too. After it dies down, Jungeun decides she's tired of just hearing herself talk. "Hey so uh, you wanna study law right? I think I remember you mentioning it in a class." Jungeun watches as Haseul's eyes shine. The older girl notes how well Jungeun pays attention to details.

"I do," Haseul beams, eyes then looking over the track in front of them as she continues. "Ever since I was a kid, I was attracted to the concept of justice, sticking up for others." As Haseul is talking, Jungeun admires the older girl. As opposed to Jinsol, her faith appears on her body in the form of small, cross shaped earrings. More subtle, and they compliment her strong jawline. Seriously, this girl has to be carved from the greek gods themselves, she's gorgeous. Jungeun watches as Haseul's eyebrows furrow, the older girl turning her head back to Jungeun suddenly. "This world needs more people seeking out what's right, don't you think?"

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