Reuniting with their F!S/O Post Time Skip

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Can I get uhhhh.... M!Byleth, Edelgard, Linhardt, Bernadetta, and Hilda reuniting with their fem S/O after the timskip?

Hi nonny! Admin Hurricane here. This is very delayed and I'm so, so sorry. School has been kicking my ass, but I'll be more than happy to do this! I hope you like it!! Spoiler alert if you haven't gotten to the time skip portion of FE3H!


We all know that Byleth is already a fairly unemotional person, but when he sees you he can't help but freeze up

- He was asleep for so long, but seeing you completely different than five years previously makes him realize how long he was actually gone for

- If you had gone through something terrible during the time skip, he'll apologize for not being there for you

- Spends time catching up with you, maybe even sparring a bit to see how your skills have improved in the past 5 years.

- He'll make sure you don't stay up too late doing anything cause his teacher instincts are kicking in


She's lost so many people because of the war, but when she sees you it's almost as if time stops and the two of you are the only people in the whole world.

- The first time she sees you, she freezes, drops everything she's doing regardless of the importance and races over to pull you into her embrace. In that moment you're everything that matters to her and she doesn't care what people may think or say.

- Of course the Black Eagle Strike Force is happy to see you and Hubert is pleased to see that Edel's much happier than before (even though he advised against the relationship but shush Hubie <3)

- On nights that the two of you spend together alone are comforting for El cause she can pretend that she's not Emperor Hresvelg and that the entire war is riding on her and the professor's shoulders. Nope it's just you and her, a happy couple with no worries


He's not one to have his emotions on full display. He's the type of person to pretend like your absence didn't bother him greatly, but in reality we know he's very bothered by it.

- Someone of few words, Lin prefers to show his actions rather than smother you in affection, this is oftentimes in the form of keeping you close by

- He'll never admit how much he truly missed you, if you ever question him he'll brush you off lmaoo


Ah Bernie.

- She panicked when she saw you again. One thing being her panicking over what she should say to you, and two being she missed you so badly that she can't form words and then proceeds to run away and lock herself away in her room.

- She's ashamed that she hadn't been looking for you during the war, focused on the efforts and supporting Edelgard.

- It takes a lot of coaxing and reassuring from your end and from the professor to convince her that you don't hate her.

- When she finally comes out, she'll hide behind something because she's scared you're gonna be mad at her even though you've already told her multiple times that you aren't mad and that you just miss her :( (trauma's a bvtch)

- Try your best! Bernie's doing a lot better cause she's more confident than before. But when it comes to you, she's a stuttering, blushing mess


She's put up this front that nothing bothered throughout the whole war. But like El as soon as she sees you, her facade crumbles a bit and she races towards you and pulls you into a bone crushing hug, lifting you off the ground we stan stronk hilda 😌

- You kinda just awkwardly pat her cause she's hugging you so tight you're seeing stars.

- She definitely keeps you by her side, if not then at the very least in her eyesight. Claude made fun of her to which she almost beat his ass for it.

-But overall Hilda might be a bit more protective over you because she's already lost you once and she can't bear the idea of losing you again.

Hey hey! Before I close off the chapter, just a quick reminder that if you'd like to request from me, please go to my tumblr blog where you'll be able to send in what you'd like me to write!

Link in my bio and I'll put it below as well :))) 

~Admin Hurricane

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