Pain (Claude x Reader)

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Warnings: some gorey descriptions, but nothing too extreme

Word Count: 550

Genre: Fluff

Scenario: Reader is careless and gets injured on the battlefield, Claude becomes worried for them and keeps them company while they're recovering.

I had to write something for Claude cause he's a dork and I couldn't leave him out after writing for Dimitri lol. I had to step out of my comfort zone for this, because up until now, I was mainly only comfortable writing for the Blue Lions, so apologies if I made this out of character for Claude. It's been a little while since I last played Golden Deer so it was a little harder to write for this. Not gonna lie, I was so tempted to scrap this entirely but decided against it cause I'm not gonna improve if I don't try lmao.

~Admin Hurricane

After barely dodging a flurry of arrows, you could feel fear over take you. The overwhelming urge to retreat nearly caused you to turn tail and flee, but you stood your ground. 'I can't let everyone down!' you thought to yourself, your grip on the sword handle growing increasingly tighter. Lost in thought, you failed to notice an enemy sneaking up behind you.

"Look out!" you heard someone's voice yell out in alarm, but by the time you turned around you could already feel the enemy's axe cutting into your flesh. You saw red flash in your vision as you toppled over. You gurgled out as your enemy dug the axe blade deeper into your stomach. Suddenly they were gone and all you could see was the bright blue sky. You could hear people but their voices were muffled and you could barely make out what they were saying.

"Crap! They got hit hard by a brigand. If they continue to bleed out like this they might not make it. Someone get a healer! (Y/N)! Stay with us! Don't fall asleep, whatever you do!" You felt someone take your face in their hands. You couldn't make out their face, but their hands were so, so warm. You practically felt like you were melting, maybe closing your eyes wouldn't be so bad.

When you opened your eyes again, you found yourself in a dimly lit room. Sitting up in alarm, you felt yourself wince, remembering that you basically had a hole ripped into your abdomen. Ripping the blankets off, you sat on the edge of the bed shakily trying to stand up. The door creaked open and you looked up to find Claude peering inside. "You're awake," he said, a look of surprise on his face. As you tried to stand up and failed, Claude ran in and caught you before you fell over. "Woah there, you lost a lot of blood," he said, slinging one of your arms around his broad shoulders. He helped you settle back onto the bed and pulled up a chair.

"What happened?" you questioned, "I don't remember much except getting smacked by an axe." Claude hesitated for a moment, before sighing, "The battlefield was in chaos. After you got hurt, well, I got onto my Wyvern and flew straight back into the fray...I didn't want any enemies near you and...I was scared of losing you," said Claude, his voice growing soft. Your eyes were wide with surprise and you raised a hand to Claude's face. He was caught off guard by your gesture but leaned into your touch, "I just...I've lost too many people in this war...I can't lose you too."

"You can't get rid of me that easily," you chuckled, stroking his face, "I refuse to die so easily, and I'm sorry I scared you." The two of you sat together in the quiet of the infirmary, you felt your eyelids grow heavy as the dim glow of the candle became fuzzy. You felt your head fall back onto the pillow, no longer having the strength to hold yourself up. You felt someone pull the blanket up to cover you, though your vision had grown dim, you could still vaguely make out a soft smile before shutting your eyes.

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