Blue Lions boys with an s/o who doesn't want kids.

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Anonymous asked:

Request for BL boys (post time skip or modern ) for a s/o who doesn't want kids? Ty

Of course anon! I hope you like this! Sorry they're a bit short, writer's block came out of hibernation and was like "hI, im still here :)" 

~Admin Hurricane


He's the king of Faerghus so plenty of people probably expected him to produce an heir at some point

- When you break the news to him, he just sits there silently for a second before it really clicks

- A little sad but tries not to show it

- "Y/N, my beloved, I'll support whatever you desire."

- Pulls you into a hug with lots of words of reassurance

- "It's alright, it's a decision that the two of us would have to make together. If you do not want that, that's okay."


Also little sad but won't show it

- He kinda just shrugs it off and hugs you, smiling softly

- "Y/N, whatever you decide, I will follow along with you. I won't push you to do something you're uncomfortable with"


Surprising supportive of your decision, which wasn't what you expected at first

- Sylvain is a bit different in a way lol

- He didn't want his kids to grow up pressured in a society that solely relies off of crests so this kind of takes a weight off of him and makes it a lot easier on him

- "You know I'm the happiest when I'm with you. And hey, even if there isn't a mini me or a mini you running around, that's alright. You do what you're comfortable with."


Tbh he didn't really bat an eye when you told him you didn't want any kids

- Since he's the youngest, he doesn't have that much experience with children or babies in general so he was more or less rather indifferent to your decision.

- "Y/ do what's best for yourself. If this is what you choose I'll be there to support you every step of the way."

- "Wow Felix, this was actually totally unexpected from you."

- "The hell is that supposed to mean-"


Probably the most sad to hear your decision and it shows

- He grew up with siblings so surprise, surprise, he really likes kids

- He always envisioned his future with you, with kids in the picture

- Nonetheless he backs you up in your decision

- "Y/N, I'll be there with you, if this is something that you decide I'll back you up 100%"

- You give him a hug, cause you know how much this meant to him

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