Ashe and Ignatz Wedding Fluff

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Yooo what??? When did we hit 1.4k views on here? Thanks so much for the support, that's actually absolutely insane!

Anonymous asked:

Can we get some Ignatz and Ashe wedding fluff? I love my two cinnamon roll archer boys

Hi anon! Of course you can, I'd be happy to oblige, I hope you like this! Sorry this isn't that long, I'm studying for finals so I had to cut it short.
~Admin Hurricane


Nervous as hell, he didn't understand why. He was marrying the love of his life, but why was his heart racing so erratically fast?

- He swears his heart practically stops when he sees you strutting down the aisle.

- Sweet baby boy stumbles over his words when he's giving his vows.

- When it comes time to exchange rings, he has the brightest smile on his face.

- His gaze softens as he places the ring on your finger cause he knows that its official, you're his, and he's yours

- He feels as though he's finally accomplished a lifelong goal, Ashe has always wanted to start a family seeing as he's amazing with kids, but now he's finally married to the love of his life so he can see the rest of his dreams to fruition with you by his side.

- One of the best days of his life

- Now off to end poverty!


He's actually pretty confident

- He practically face palms cause the rest of the Golden Deer are acting like a bunch of drunk idiots but we love them for it anyways lmao

- Surprised that he doesn't stumble over his lines.

- Once he delivers his vows and puts the ring on and the Golden Deer practically crash onto the two of you to pull you guys into a group hug

- When you throw the bouquet of flowers, you can't convince me otherwise that Claude is scrambling to grab those flowers cause he just wants to flex on everyone else that wasn't able to grab it in time.

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