Fallen Star (Claude x Reader)

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Warnings: blood

Word Count: 660

Genre: Angst ahahaha

I felt so guilty for leaving out my baby deer and writing so much for the Blue Lions, so to make up for that here's some Claude von Deer angst. I hope you all enjoy :))))

~Admin Hurricane

You gasped as an arrow whizzed past your face and you turned around, your sword held tightly in your hand. Your eyes widened as you saw who had shot the arrow at you. Claude sat atop a wyvern, his bow held high and expression betraying the same amount of surprise as you. It was as if time itself had frozen and it was just you and him. Two people on a tumultuous battlefield.

You were the first one to snap out of your trance. You hefted your sword upwards facing Claude, "Regrettable that we're on opposing sides of the battlefield," you said, ignoring your shaking voice and the aching in your heart you felt for him.

"I suppose I could say the same to you," said Claude as he notched an arrow and pulled back, genuine regret reflected in his eyes. "I wish we could have spent more time together," he laughed softly letting the arrow fly. You dodged it narrowly, charging towards him your sword held low. You tried not to think of all the moments you had spent with him.

"Claude!" you pouted, your cheeks puffed out making you look like a chipmunk. Claude laughed holding a book above your head, "Keep trying all you want, your angry face is one of your most adorable features." As he continued to laugh, you desperately continued to jump up and try to reach it but to no avail.

"Claude, you promise that we'll always stay friends? I know that you'll soon be the sovereign duke and all but I still want to stay in touch after we graduate and I head back to the Adrestian Empire," you said peering over at him. "Of course," he laughed, ruffling your hair affectionately. "Hey! Do you know how long it took me to smooth out my hair the last time you did that!" you exclaimed playfully swatting his hand away. Holding out a hand you smiled, "Promise me." He took your hand and shook it firmly, "I never break my promises, you know that."

You tried pushing away the happy memories, focusing on the person in front of you. The 5 years had changed the both of you in different ways. You were far more mature than you were back at the academy. Your sword barely made contact with Claude as he quickly flew out of the way and shot another arrow your way. You groaned as the arrow lodged itself in your chest and you staggered backwards. Breathing heavily, you faced Claude, slowly watching as crimson blossomed from where the arrow had made its way. You smiled sadly, coughing up blood into the palm of your hand as you fell to your knees. "At least it was you and not someone else," you chuckled, falling over.

His eyes widened as he watched you fall over, the blood pool around you and he hopped off of his wyvern to run towards you. He knew that the two of you were enemies and exposing himself was dangerous, especially on a battlefield but in the moment, all he could think about was you and only you. As he reached you, he gently cradled your head in his hands, "I'm sorry," he whispered watching your blood stain his clothes. You raised a bloody hand to his face, gently caressing it, "Don't be...if we weren't at war...maybe...maybe things would be different..." you said, your voice growing weak. He took your hand in his, holding it gently, "I should have asked the professor to recruit you," he said bitterly, "I'm so sorry Y/N," he whispered once more watching the light leave your eyes.

He held you for a moment longer before setting you down gently, shutting your eyes. You looked so peaceful, as if you were asleep. His wyvern came up next to him, nudging him affectionately. He patted it's snout once, before mounting and flying off, leaving you and a broken promise behind. 

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