Monsters can be heroes too

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The Former Dragon king walked through the village towards the altercation he began thinking of the nightmare he had he never had a nightmare before nor did he ever been so out of character since coming back to Remnant he had a theory though.

Jaune Arc's original personality was bleeding into Acnologia's own he came to this because honestly in the past he'd never blink if someone called him a 'monster' hell he wouldn't care the fate of the village at the hands of the SDC but it's like his body was moving on his own now. Yes Acnologia was Jaune Arc they were the same yet different like an alternate identity altogether but now the two personalities are being molded together he even noticed in the mirror that some hairs in his blue mane were beginning to turn blonde it's what proved his Hypothesis.

From at least 4 months from now Jaune Arc's personality with completely combine with Acnologia's there will not be just Acnologia or Jaune Arc it will soon be Jaune 'Acnologia' Arc a single entity with a single personality they'll be a single person.

This must be why he was so affected by the nightmare Jaune Arc used to care what everyone thought of him and while he didn't know his friends for very long they were like a second family to him that's why they're opinion of him matters so much and why the apparition's hurtful words hit him so hard.

Acnologia didn't give a damn what anyone thought of him he was brash, blunt and when need be rude. But this change was happening whether he liked it or not and...he somehow didn't mind he need to work out a few things sure like those nightmares and Jaune Arc's confidence so that it wouldn't affect his but he in fact liked that they'll soon be a single person.

But the big negative is the inner turmoil that'll soon accompany him Acnologia's actions finally hit him and Jaune Arc it finally came to him of how terrible it was and Acnologia acnokowledges it and accepts it he has his regrets but Jaune Arc was being hit harder he was Acno's inner 'soft' side per say he's in a panic of how his friends might view him he needed to resolve this turmoil quickly before they completely merge lest there they be mentally scarred when the merge is finalize.

Acno was brought out his complicated thought as he finally approached Mayor Boris that was arguing with the SDC soldier he observed further and saw a giant mech accompanied with almost 2 dozen other soldiers 'The mech must be for escort and in case of a white fang or bandit attack' he guessed.

He put a hand on Boris's shoulder making the Faunus jump slightly he turned and smiled widely and greeted his guest "Good Morning sir I do hope you enjoyed your stay at the Inn?"

Acno nodded "I did" he half-lied "and please none if that sir bullshit call me Acnologia, Acno for short I just realized i didn't give you my name last night" he watched as the mayor was slightly taken aback by the sudden curse before a smile graced his lips once more "Very well Acno"

Their were interrupted by a fake cough their attention was drawn to the SDC soldier who wore a scowl "Excuse me but we were in the middle of a conversation" human of course, dark skin male, amber eyes  The former king made note of his face in case of the future

The Lion Faunus groaned but Acno simply ignored him "For the last time there is one, ONE faunus girl at the Orphanage right now her friends were adopted a few days ago" Acno's hunch was correct it had been about the pick up

The soldier snarled "I don't care she's coming with us" he then smirked "There they are now"

The mayor and former knight turned to another soldier who was dragging a  what looked to Acno as a 10-12 year old girl she had fox ears and tail with ginger hair she wore blue shirt,red skirt, knee high socks and a pair of shoes. She was fighting,pulling,scratching and crying desperately trying to get out of her captor.

Jaune 'Acnologia' ArcWhere stories live. Discover now