The Demented Scorpion

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Annoyed and Irritated could be the emotions to describe what Acnologia is feeling right now he's been walking for a few hours now since he woke up he could've changed into a dragon and flew but opted to walk since he may cause a disturbance it wasn't like Earthland where he'd be safe if he flew above the clouds they were radars and trackers now so being a dragon was not an option 

Now to the issue almost at every turn he's been attacked by Grimm he didn't know why they were targeting him like this but it's been relatively easy to kill them it's just been small nuisance's like an Alpha beowolf and a pack maybe an Ursa Major he even got a Deathstalker


Acno groaned loudly and dragged a hand on his face this was getting annoying but was curious it wasn't ONE roar but MULTIPLE roars

He looked to see a pack consisting of a dozen Grimm six of which were large and slender Grimm with feline bodies and large feathered wings. They had a round head with a very short, somewhat narrow snout and a four-crested bone mask that takes the form of some feline. Each paw had three toes, and their tail was a white snake 

The other half dozen Grimm had the body and head of a lion, wings of a predatory bird and the tail of a scorpion. They also had black fur and feathers, with white bone-like spines on their bodies, including a white lion skull and a large, crown-like mane of bone. A pair of bull horns also protrudes from their skulls.

A loud shriek was heard above Acno looked up to see Three extremely large Nevermores circling him in the sky.He hummed to himself 'Six Sphinx, Six Manticore and 3 giant Nevermores'The former knight shrugged then gave a shark tooth grin 'Too easy!'

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 The Manticore's were first they charged the former blonde who jumped in the air and delivered a devastating axe-kick to one of the Grimm caving in its skull and sending it smashing to the forest ground.Another Grimm attempted to Impale him but grabbed by the horns and twisted snapping it's neck 

landing on the ground he was engaged by the Sphinxes he stomped his foot one crushing it's head two others charged at his sides but Acno grabbed their head each hand and smashed them together like watermelons '3 Sphinx and 2 Manticores down'

He then grabbed another Sphinx and threw it into a Manticore impaling it on it's horns blinded by the Sphinx's body in its face the Manticore thrashed around trying to get it's vision back before it felt a fist smash down on it's skull 

It was here that the Nevermore's decided to intervene sending a barrage of razer sharp feathers Acno threw a Sphinx in front of him. The Grimm meat shield was impaled by dozens of feathers dead '5 Sphinx, 3 Manticores' he counted 

The final Sphinx attempted to jump on Acno to pin and overpower him but got an Aura infused fist through the chest cavity. He turned around quickly to deliver a spinning roundhouse to another Manticore he then broke off its horns and impaled one in it neck the other he aimed at one of the nevermore he could see to the corner of his eye that the final Manticore was charging him but paid no mind he pulled back his arm and threw it while not possessing a range weapon Jaune Arc always had great aim the horn struck true deep within one of the Nevermore's chest and appeared out the other end 

It let out a pained caw while falling out the sky Acnologia turned to duck under the pouncing Manticore he then grabbed it by the tail pulling it towards him and grabbed its back with two hand lifted it above his head as he knelt down and performed a devastating backbreaker the snapping of the spine that could be heard throughout the forest was music to Jaune's ears (Might rotate between calling him Jaune and Acnologia or Acno) and killing the final Manticore 

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