tattoos and scars.

Start from the beginning

"And I got this tattoo." She repeated, her smile turning genuine.

"Do you have any others?" He asked, pulling the neck of her shirt back to trace over the butterfly once again.

"A few." She was grinning now. Miriana rarely looked at her own body these days, the scars and memories that were etched into her skin made it too painful.

She shuffled onto her elbows, lifting her shirt, trying her hardest to ignore what stared back at her. She paid a lot for these tattoos so if the love of her life was asking about them she wouldn't let anything stop her.

"This one here," She started, pointing to the sprigs of lavender that weaved together across her ribcage. "Blanches favourite herb."

Loki smiled, his cold touch leaving goosebumps across her skin as he trailed his hand up to trace over it.

"It was a surprise for her birthday a couple years ago, a thank you for how much she's done for me." Anas chest filled with butterflies at Lokis touch. Not calloused. Not aggressive. Not theirs.

"It's beautiful." He spoke softly, looking up to meet her eyes.

Blush spread up her neck so she quickly moved on, laying back down beside him and bringing her arm up, yet another one she hadn't looked at in months, she swallowed thickly, pulling her sleeve down to reveal the nazar eye, inked amongst scars and freckles.

Loki took her arm in his hand, his eternally cold skin soothed by her warmth, her silky skin under his fingertips, he bit down on his lip before letting go and pulling his own sleeve. His burn had healed eventually, something he'd kept from her. The thought of explaining why a "God" was so injured by a simple burn made his heart race.

"We can match." He tugged on his own evil eye, the one that thankfully hadn't snapped again, and placed it in the same spot as hers.

She let out a soft chuckle, "Yeah," They held their arms beside each other, "you might have to fight Blanche for that though. We got the same one together."

"Are all your tattoos about her?" He teased.

"No." She laughed, "I've just known her longest." Her arm fell back down to her stomach before she twisted onto her side, looking up at Loki.

"Really? You didn't even visit her for Christmas." He teased.

"She doesn't celebrate it stupid, but yeah, I've known her longer than anyone, surprising she still puts up with me to be honest." She shrugged with a smile.

"She's lucky, my love, I'm glad I know who to go to for all my Miriana trivia now." His thumb stroked across her cheekbone, a sly grin on his face, before she playfully slapped him away.

"You absolutely will not." She pointed a finger to his face, "No."

Although she kept her playful tone Ana would rather anything in the world than have Blanche spill her secrets. The old woman had known her through her best highs and loved her like a mother, but she'd also known her through her worst lows.

Blanche had been there when Ana had travelled across the world just to cry into her arms about someone she couldn't help. She'd been there when Ana had fallen into the wrong crowd, when she'd had to go pick her up from the curb somewhere in Brooklyn, drunk and passed out after everyone else abandoned her.

Blanche had seen so much of her life, and Ana was eternally thankful to her for everything she'd done, but if she shared it with anyone... she'd never be able to forgive her.

"What about this one." Loki asked after finally convincing her he wouldn't go ask Blanche. He pointed to her ear, amongst tangled locks of brown hair and a half-assed selection of earrings, her ear was inked with flames.

infuriating ~ loki laufeyson x ocWhere stories live. Discover now