
Sitting on the lap of my mother who was caressing me in her bosom, my brother seemed to be observing dad movement with high concentration, I was intently focused on my dad who was currently reciting a chant, which sounded like a prayer to the earth, for close to a good minute. I leaned in closer and closer, almost falling off my human seat while expecting some magical phenomenon, like an earthquake splitting the ground or a giant stone golem emerging. After what seemed like an eternity. Three adult, human-sized boulders emerged from the ground and slammed against a nearby tree.

What in the name of...that was it?

I flailed my arms in anger, but my idiot father interpreted that into a "WOW" and had a big grin on his face saying, "Your daddy is awesome huh!". My brother started giggling cutely which ease my irritation.

No, my father was a much better fighter. When he put on his two iron gauntlets, even I felt compelled to drop my diaper. With quick and firm movements that were surprising for his build, his fists carried enough force to break the sound barrier, but were fluid enough to not leave an opening. In my world, he would have been classed as a high-tier fighter, leading a squad of soldiers, but to me, he was my idiot father.

For what I learned, this world seemed to be a fairly straightforward on filled with magic and warriors; where power and wealth decided one's rank in society. In that sense, it wasn't too different from my old world, except for the lack of technology and the slight difference between magic and ki.

Anyways, the currency in this new world seemed pretty straightforward from the exchanges our mother had with the merchants.

Copper was the lowest form of currency, then silver, followed by gold. While I had yet to see anything costing as much as a gold coin, normal families seemed to be able to live off of a couple copper coins a day just fine.

100 Copper = 1 Silver

100 Silver = 1 Gold

Everyday involved honing my new body, mastering the motor functions residing deep within me.

That comfortable regimen soon changed.


. Time-Skip




About two years have passed since I made my difficult journey to the study room. William is...well...weird, he seemed to try and copy everything I did, even meditating and absorbing mana. He's also don't like being falling behind, like when I managed to walk or crawl before him...he copied my movement and managed to do it later. 

It made me wonder if he's also reincarnated here but I erased that thought out of my head as it's close to impossible. The way he behaved or acts is the main evidence.

Anyways, I had been constantly trying to gather the little bits of mana spread out in my body and focus it in an attempt to form a mana core. Let me tell you, it was a slow and arduous task. I would find myself having an easier time trying to learn how to walk on my hands and eat with my feet in this damnable body than trying to will my mana core to condense.

I could see why the book said that it'll take until at least the adolescent age for a person to 'awaken.' If I had let the mana particles in my body move by themselves, it would take at least a decade for them to gravitate towards each other to form anything remotely close to a mana core.

I tried to adapt to my body by only talking in very simple sentences. After I first said "mama" to let her know I wanted more food, she almost burst into tears of joy...soon, my brother did the same by copying me. It's been a long time since I received this sort of motherly affection. Since then, I limited myself to just trying to talk enough to get the point across, no grammar necessary. 

'Will' also started to talk anything that comes to his mind like "Lil brothwer Art is pwooping~ Hahahaha!" I calmed myself from beating an innocent child at that one time.

Besides that, the pace of my training was strenuous and slow, but I was getting a pretty big head start compared to everybody else so I wasn't complaining. My brother also seemed to be gathering mana at a slow pace by copying me...again.

These past two years, have not gone to waste, for I finally gathered all of my mana into my solar plexus and was in the midst of condensing a mana core when...




When I first awakened, at the early age of twelve, by the way, I was sleeping and the pushing force made me levitate for a good couple of minutes! Enough force to lift a human body?

If it wasn't for that time... I'm sure we wouldn't have settled down this fast.

Anyways, as soon as my cute children awakens, I'm going to train them. If  ethey ends up becoming a conjurer, I think I can get him a tutor from the main town since Alice and I aren't adept enough to be teaching them...

...Is what I said but...


Currently, 3/4th of the house is gone...

What happened?

Luckily, I was with Alice in the front yard for a bit after dinner, but... Art, Will....Little Art and little Will was still in the house...

"ARTHUR! WILLIAM!" I yelled like a beast.

Alice's face drained of all blood as I saw her go pale, eyes wide in disbelief and worry. I nudged my wife down while covering her with a temporary shield that would last for a few minutes.

I rushed towards the direction of the explosion, shielding my body with a layer of mana over my skin. The debris was constantly thrown towards me as I reached deeper into the source of the explosion. After fighting my way through the scraps of what was left of my house and several pieces of rocks, I saw it.

My son 'Art' had the all but noticeable translucent barrier flickering around him. Better yet, the repulsion of his awakened powers was what caused this explosion. 'Art' was floating in the center of a crater that cleared 3/4th of our house, as well as our entire backyard.


My legs gave out and I just landed on my knees while my jaw hung loose. My son was almost three years old when he awakened. Only three...

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry

"Reynolds! Honey!"

I glanced back at my wife with my mouth still agape from shock. She managed to slowly make her way towards me after the remains of the explosion settled and there was no more danger.

She was making half-steps towards me, covering her face with her arms to shield what she could from the strong pushing force still emanating out of Art.

"Reynolds! What happened? What's going on? Where's Art and Will?"

Still unable to find the strength to speak, I simply pointed towards the direction of 'Art'.

While confused, she looked at the direction I was pointing at and all she could manage to whisper was, "Oh my..."

Suddenly "AAAAAARRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" a loud cry came from one of the falled debris.

My face and Alice face instantly paled as the owner of the voice is...William.

"WILLIAM!" I yelled and rushed to the source of his voice.

"*Lift debris* Dad's here, don't worry Will" I said after I found Will clutching his left eyes with blood spurting out.

"Dad! I-It h-hurt! *Hic* my e-eyes" Will cried which made my heart ache. Soon Alice and Art came with a worried pale face.

"Alice! He needs to be healed...it's not...life-threathening" I said.

"R-Rey I-I-" Alice stuttered but was cut by another cry of Will.

"...Heal" Alice healed Will with hesitation.





A/N: William POV next chap.

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