William Leywin

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'5 years ago'

"Congratulations Sir and Madam, they're a healthy twins!" A doctor reports happily in a wooden room.

They are both boys, the older one has an ashy brown colored hair and had large dark blue sapphire eyes colored eyes while the younger one has an auburn brown hair, and large bright azure eyes.

"WAAAA! UU WAAAAA!" The older one can be seen crying loudly, while the younger one is not crying but rather is observing his surrounding confusingly.

"Hi little Art, little Will, I'm your daddy, can you say dada?" playfully said very charismatic-looking man with a cleanly shaven square jaw line. He had a very ashy brown colored hair and had deep blue colored eyes while his eyebrows were strong and fierce.

Little Will is now asleep from his crying session.

"Honey, they were just born and quiet down, little Will is sleeping." A women with distinct auburn hair and brown eyes said. She emits a motherly aura around her.

"Hmm, the younger one isn't crying. Doctor, I thought newborns were supposed to cry when they are born." the mom said worriedly for her younger son 'Art' who is not crying like the others.

"There are cases where the infant does not cry. Please continue resting for a couple of days Mrs. Leywin, and let me know if anything happens to Arthur and William, Mr. Leywin." The doctor said and before leaving.


Arthur POV

The following couple of weeks after my journey out of the tunnel was a new kind of torture for me. My brother 'William' is also crying like a baby every single day, well...he's a baby after all. I am the weird one here! I also had little to no motor control over my limbs except being able to wave them around, and even that got tiring quickly.

I don't know how to break it to you guys, but when you place your finger on a baby's palm, they don't grab it because they like you, they grab it because it's like getting hit in the funny bone; it's a reflex. Forget motor control, I can't even excrete my wastes at my discretion. I was not yet the master of my own bladder. It just... came out. Haa...

On the bright side, one of the few perks that I became happily accustomed to was being breastfed by my mother.

Don't get me wrong, I had no ulterior motives whatsoever. It's just that breast milk tasted a lot better than baby formula and has better nutritional value, okay? Er... please believe me.

The Satanic demon-summoning place seemed to be my parent's room and from what I figured, the place that I was currently stuck in was, hopefully, a place in my world from the past, when electricity hadn't yet been invented.

Our mother quickly proved my hopes wrong as, one day, she healed a scratch on William leg when our idiotic father bumped William against a drawer while swinging him around making him cry.

No...Not like, band-aid and a kiss heal, but a full blown, shining light with a faint hum from her freaking hands type of healing.

'Where the hell am I?' a question that keep on repeating in my head.

Our mother, named Alice Leywin, and our father, named Reynolds Leywin, at least seemed to be good people, hell if not the best. I suspected our mother was an angel because I've never met such a kindhearted, warm person. While being carried on her back by a baby cradle-strap of some sort, my brother and I went with her to what she called a town. This town of Ashber was more of a glorified outpost, seeing that there were no roads or buildings. We walked on the main dirt trail where there were tents on both sides with various merchants and salesmen selling all sorts of things --- from common, everyday necessities to things I couldn't help but raise a brow at, like weapons, armor, and rocks... shining rocks!

TBATE: DesperateOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora