Heart Connection

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Bhavin fitted in cute category though, her subconscious mind already reminded that Adwait belonged to the rare class, that is 'PERFECT', she rolled her eyes at her stupid subconscious, adjusting herself in the comforter, she kissed Arya's forehead and drifted off to sleep.


It was 2 at night when Adwait got up all of a sudden, his breathing was rapid, he pulled aside the comforter over himself as he ran outside the room in the balcony for oxygen.

Something in him was making him uncomfortable, he wanted to cry but couldn't. Something was going to be wrong, his sixth sense was trying to say out but was not able to.

He ran towards Arohi's room, he switched on the lights and found nothing wrong, he checked her forehead and her neck to check her temperature which was alright, after adjusting the AC and the curtains of the room, he walked back to his room. Ayush- Aayushi were on a business meeting and Abhinavi was living with his grandmother since a few months.

The uncomfortable pain in his heart wasn't stopping. After a lot of battle with himself he called Prisha, he didn't feel it right but wanted to know what the feeling exactly was. He didn't forget what he saw in the garden, the scenes of her kissing other man made him feel disgusted but after all it was he life, he couldn't say anything about it.

He fidged his fingers but then he called her to talk about his mother, his mother closed all the contacts with him for his ex wife, she would never accept his calls. So he had no other option left.

She didn't pick up the first 7 calls. Adwait was getting frustrated.

Finally 8th time, she picked it up only to curse him for waking her at 2 in the night and then she ignored him like a stranger.

He was not feeling well, he called her for the 9th time expecting her to pick up and she picked the call fortunately.

"I'm not interested in listening to your shit, check on my mom once" he said arrogantly, he didn't wanted to listen to her rank once again.

"I'm not your servant to check on your mom at 2 in the night" she said angrily, although she was in half sleep she instantly regretted the words she blurted out, she was about to hung up when he said

"Prisha please I'm getting negative vibes, please check once" he said, his voice was hardly audible at the end of the sentence. The 'please' in his voice seemed genuine, so Prisha listened to him.

Prisha got up from her bed as she walked towards Prapti's room. She silently opened the door and found the room empty.

"Is she there?" Adwait asked out from the other side of the phone.

"Wait" Prisha said as she knocked the washroom door.

No voice came out, when a sudden blow of wind came from the balcony and Prisha looked at the balcony and saw Prapti laying on the ground in the balcony in not so comfortable manner.

She gasped, hearing this Adwait became more conscious.

"Hey hey! what happened, tell me!" He panicked, sweat beads formed on his forehead.

Prisha walked towards the laying figure of Prapti on the ground. She made her sit properly, Prapti was continuously gasping for air. Prisha understood and took out the inhaler from the side drawer, after inhaling a few times, Prapti became stable.

Prisha rubbed Prapti's back consoling her. She was asthamatic, if Prisha hadn't come on time, then maybe her condition would have become severe because of lack of oxygen.

Prisha made Prapti sleep pulling the comforter over her. Prapti thanked Prisha for coming in time, she kissed her forehead before leaving.

After a minute, Prisha's phone again rang.

"What had happened? Tell me you damn woman!" He insisted but Prisha didn't blurt out.

Finally she narrated him the incident and Adwait's heart literally came out of his chest after listening this. He didn't say anything for a minute.

"How did you got to know that mom was not okay?" Prisha asked curiously, she wanted to thank him to wake her up on time but she obviously wasn't going to.

"Just heart connection between a son and mother, you won't understand" Adwait answered smiling to himself.

While Prisha rolled her eyes drifting off to sleep again.

"I love you Mom" Adwait said to himself smiling, it was like a win win situation for him, he was happy that he was able to do something for his mother even when she was not with him.

He walked towards the bed, when he saw Shrishti sleeping uncomfortably on the edge of the bed.

He wrapped his arms around her shoulder making her lay properly on the bed, he stared at her face for a few seconds before drifting off to sleep with a smile on his face.


Date : 19 October 2021

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Will meet you in the next chapter.

Till then


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