13) Plans

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The sound of my alarm filled my ears. Frantically I searched around my bunk looking for my phone. When I finally found it I turned it off and groaned. Miraculously I was able to pull myself out of bed and walk into the tour bus's kitchen.

Today was a busy day. The boys had a meet and greet with fans first thing this morning so by the time my alarm had gone off it was an hour past when they were supposed to have left.

Still half asleep I walked into the tour bus's kitchen and headed straight towards the kettle to make myself a cup of tea. It wasn't until I was jumping out of my skin that I realized I wasn't alone on the bus.

"Good morning love. Sleep well?" A cheery Louis greeted me from somewhere behind.

I jumped in surprise, turning around to find all five members of One Direction sitting at the table looking at me with bright eyes and optimistic smiles. It made me cringe seeing all five of them so happy at such an early hour in the morning. It was already 9:30.

"I slept perfectly fine." I sighed in annoyance.

They were supposed to be at a meet and greet not sitting at the table drinking cups of coffee and tea. I purposely made sure to wake up an hour after they were supposed to be gone so that I could avoid them. I still hadn't spoken to them since last night and the conversation was not going to be a comfortable one.

"We were thinking of going out today. Maybe go play a game of golf?" Suggested Niall as casually as he could.

"I don't play golf. Besides, I have plans today." Turning down the offer I faced away from the boys and continued making myself my tea.

"What kind of plans?" Asked Harry.

Sighing, I turned around to face the boys. I lent against the kitchen counter and sipped my warm cup of English tea. The boys were all completely engaged looking at me intently with massive doe eyes. This new behavior was starting to become annoying and it hadn't even been five minutes.

"Private plans. Ones that can't be postponed." I told him bluntly.

I wasn't lying. I did actually have plans and they were private. Today I was supposed to be meeting with a dietitian and Sarah, who was the private chef we had on tour. Paul had organised for us to meet with them so we could devise a private meal plan for me. We would organize for my schedule to be changed so that when I ate no one was watching me and that they were all meals I was comfortable enough to eat. But that was not something the boys needed to know.

This morning I was just planning on chilling out and completing some of my school work since the meeting wasn't until the boys allocated down time, so that Paul could be with me and not have to worry about the boys getting into any trouble.

"Aren't you supposed to be at a meet and greet?" I huffed as they still continued to stare at me expectantly.

"Oh, no we had it delayed by two hours. So it'll be at 11:00 instead of 9:00." Harry explained, his voice bouncy and chipper.

Downing the rest of my tea, I placed the cup into the sink and walked out of the room and back to the bunks. I pulled out my suitcase and began rummaging through it to find something to wear. The weather was going to be quite warm today so I decided on a pair of denim shorts and a white shirt with the silhouette of lavenders on it pairing my clothing with an anklet and white converse shoes.

"Y/n?" Liam was calling after me.

"Y/n? What are you doing? We were talking." My brother sighed upon seeing me in the bunk room.

"Not anymore we're not and right now I'm getting dressed. You're going to have to leave soon anyway for your meet and greet." I shot at him.

My hair flicking, I turned and walked towards the back end of the tour bus to the bathroom. Liam tried to follow me but I slammed the door shut. He got the message and retreated back to the front of the bus.

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