11) Apple Juice

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Liam's POV

"Paul what's going on?" I frantically ask our tour manager while he placed Y/n down on a couch in the green room.

"She passed out Liam, she's going to be okay. Right now we just need to make sure that she hasn't hurt herself." Paul told me before shoving me out the way.

The boys pulled me down to sit on one of the couches with them. Niall sat on my left and Harry on my right. Louis had a hand on Harry's shoulder while Zayn paced the room. To say we were all worried about her is nothing short of an understatement.

Soon the medic had completed a full physical evaluation on Y/n coming to the conclusion that she hadn't been injured when she fell, thanks to Preston, and that she had low blood sugar levels. Then it became a waiting game on when she would wake up. It had been 7 minutes from when she initially fainted to now, but it felt like an eternity.

"Mgmph," Y/n groaned, she was waking up.

Paul gestured for us to come by her side and I stood next to the armchair behind her head while Paul knelt beside her. I stroked the hair out of face and ran my head from her forehead to the top of her head while she continued to wake up.

"It's okay Y/n/n, we're right here." Harry called to her from beside Paul.

Louis who was standing at her feet placed a comforting hand on here leg. Niall stood up and walked over to watch and Zayn stood next to him. Y/n continued to whine and mumble, slowly waking up.


"That's it Y/n, keep waking up for me." Paul encouraged.

"Almost there, take your time. Come on Y/n/n." He continued until Y/n was able to somewhat talk.

"Paul?" Her quiet voice called out, her eyes still shut.

"Yep, it's me." He confirmed and she slowly opened her eyes turning to look at him.

"What happened? Where am I?" She asked slowly.

"You passed out backstage. We've moved you to the lounge in the green room. Your blood sugar is too low, that's why you passed out." Paul explained to her.

Y/n was confused and slightly dazed. Her voice was soft and quiet, she was definitely run down and tired. Yet I didn't understand why her blood sugar was low though.

"Where's Liam?" She suddenly became much more alert and panicked.

"Right here." I called from above her head trying to keep her calm.

"Oh. Hi." Y/n sighed.

"Hi." I smiled back at her.

It was then that she decided to close her eyes and try drift back into sleep.

"Hey, stay awake for us Y/n/n." I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"But I'm tired." She whined.

"We know but you have to stay awake for us, okay?" Zayn persisted, stepping into her eye line from behind Paul.

She just slowly nodded and Paul moved to grab her shoulders.

"Do you think you can sit up for me?" He asked her gently.

"I don't know."

"It's okay, we're gonna help you." Niall smiled from next to Zayn.

Slowly we moved Y/n into a sitting position. The second she sat up she had her eyes squinted shut. Worry took over my thoughts, but Paul spoke before I could.

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