Chapter Thirteen: Just A Mistake

Start from the beginning

"What the fuck is that?" Violet breathed.

A crowd of walkers stumbled through the bushes and out onto the field. There must have been at least fifty of them, all groaning in unison forming an eerie cacophony.

"Everybody, guns down on the bench!" The officer yelled.

They did as they were told and began backing off. The walkers would be on top of them soon and nobody wanted to be around when they did.
Clem rushed to AJ's side and made sure he stayed with her.
The officer picked up one of the loaded guns from the bench and fired at the first walker that had shown up, it being much closer than the herd.
A shot to the head put it down instantly.
Everyone started jogging away from the range, but the officer put a hand out in front of the two guards.

"Hold on. We can't leave the guns behind, they're too valuable. Roebuck, collect them and put them into the crate we brought them in. Dalton, keep the walkers off him while he does that. When you're done, return to base."

Dalton and Roebuck's faces told Clem exactly what they thought of those orders. Nonetheless, with a contained sigh, the guards agreed and went to work.
Roebuck sprinted back to the guns and began unloading them, stacking the magazines in one pile. Meanwhile, Dalton raised her rifle and began firing into the crowd of walkers.
The officer quickly hurried them along back to the base and the two guards disappeared from view.
Before long, they were back through one of the heavy steel gates of the outer wall.

"Alright, all of you back to your dorm. Don't cause any trouble." The officer said, sounding very irritated.

None of them argued, having the rest of the day off sounded fine to them.
The group made their way back to the building that housed their miserable concrete room. Their every move was scrutinised by the guards, making certain that none of them were up to no good.

"What did Minnie want with you?" Violet asked once they had been lounging in their bunks for a while.

Clem sat up straighter in her bunk and looked at Violet across from her.
Her heart jumped, feeling like she had been caught out doing something she shouldn't.

"Oh, uhh... she said Lilly wanted to see me before dinner." Clem lied.

She didn't know how Violet would react if she knew that her ex was inviting her over to her apartment. They had barely been broken up for two weeks so the wounds were fairly fresh.

"Did she say why?"

Clem shook her head.

"No. She didn't tell me why last time either, not until I was in her office."

Violet nodded slowly and looked down, picking at the stitching on her boot.

"Okay... well, good luck then."


Clementine knocked on the door to Minnie's apartment and waited for a response. Music was playing softly from inside.
She heard a lock click and the door opened inwards to reveal Minerva standing on the other side.

"Clem, hey." She smiled.

"Hey, Minnie."

Minnie ushered her inside and closed the door behind her.
The impromptu drapes were on the ground and the window was open, letting in a cool breeze.
Papers with handwritten notes littered the surface of the desk. Clem picked one up and skimmed it. Details about the case, clues and other important things to remember.

Damn, Minnie sure is thorough.

"Sorry about the mess, I've been kind of going crazy trying to figure this thing out." Minnie said, scratching the back of her head.

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