"Come." Carlisle said as he saw me hesitate to come in.

"What is it?" I asked as I walked in and saw where he seemed to have scans of the previous time he had scanned Bella's brain.

"There is a huge difference after what happened this morning." Carlisle said as he placed other scans that he had in his hands over the light.

"That's hers?" I asked as I saw the difference in the way she was presenting. The areas that were lighting up before seemed to have diminished to almost nothing. As she rested she wasn't even close to how alert she was before.

"It's almost gone." I whispered as I stated in awe.

"It looks like the part that was making Chuy real finally went away." He said as he smiled at me and patted my shoulder.

"We can see the progress." I said as I could feel my eyes stinging with venom. I couldn't stop smiling as I turned to see Bella finally completely relaxed in her sleep. She was relaxing. Her face was finally not furrowed, she was okay.

"It doesn't mean that we can immediately think she's okay, but it is a huge jump in what she was showing before. I think she is going to pull through just fine now." Carlisle said as he sighed with a smile, "Now go hunt. You and Emmett both had a rough day." He said as he motioned me to leave, but it was hard to think of leaving her.

"Okay. Let me know as soon as she wakes up. Please." I told Carlisle.

"I promise, now go." Carlisle smiled at me as he looked at Bella and Charlie, "She's going to be out for a really long time." He said.


Bella's P.O.V. -

I felt sore. Very sore.

I opened my eyes slowly, trying to get used to the dim light that was above me. I finally wasn't questioning where I was. I finally knew what had happened and why I was in Carlisle's office. I fluttered my eyes as I looked around. Charlie was on the sofa off to the side, his snores filling in the silence of the room.

There was no one else inside as I sighed. I could feel the cut on my right leg and I knew there was a laceration on my head. I remembered the fight. I remembered killing Chuy again. I remembered everything. Edward and Emmett had both seen him. They knew I wasn't crazy.

I looked around and I could see an IV set on both sides on my arms. I could see the fluids being placed in me as I sighed softly. I knew what I had to do. I was feeling safe and this was my only chance. I had to do what scared me the most. I didn't know when I would feel this good again. I listened to the world downstairs. It was completely quiet and it was dark out. Everyone was in their rooms for the night I supposed. I could hear who I believed was Sam sleeping downstairs. I had no idea how much time I had been down but I knew I needed a way to get out before anyone would stop me.

I sat up slowly, feeling the pain begin to shoot through me. I clenched my eyes shut as I finally finished sitting up. I grabbed the tape that was holding the I.V. s in and ripped them out. I prepared myself as I began to inch towards the side of the bed. I watched as Charlie moved slightly as I turned, the pain beginning to burn now. I winced quietly. Shit. Jasper.

Maybe he was out? I would think the pain I was feeling would alert him but maybe he was hunting or something. I needed to get out. I was in some sweats and a random long sleeve shirt. Thank goodness Alice didn't pick out something else. I had socks on, but there were no shoes around for me to take. I tip-toed quietly around Charlie as I looked through the cabinets that were off to the side. Until I saw exactly what I was looking for. I could see the clothes that I was wearing when I fought Chuy again. They were torn up and my sneakers were there too. I put on the sneakers, fumbling with the laces as I tried to be as fast as possible. I took the clothes as well. I needed to plant them if I was going to explain my wounds to them. I winced as I felt the would on my leg stretch. I clenched my teeth so I wouldn't make noise.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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