Chapter 4

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Okay so I guess you guys are famous," the girl says.

So this means she does not know who we are. But she could be lying too. Before the hyungs say anything I answer.
"Uhm... Yes. Yes, we are."
"Do you not know who we are." Yoongi hyung speaks.
"Uhmm... No." The girl answers.

"Wow... for the first time in a while we met a girl who knows nothing about us. " this thought is probably running through all of our minds.

"We are the billboard singers." Yoongi hyung says in more of a playful manner and I can speak for everyone and say we all almost burst out into laughter as it is one of his iconic funny lines and one of our millions inside jokes.

"No, I am sorry I don't know who you all... Wait you guys are BTS. No wonder your name sounded so familiar. [ pointing towards Jungkook-ah] My brother is a fan."

To put it mildly, the newfound information shocked me. This was a rare occurrence.

"Oh wow, not to sound rude or anything but, surprisingly, your brother is a fan and not you." Namjoon hyung speaks up after recovering from the initial shock.

"My brother admires you guys a lot and I just started listening to your music. I only watched a few music videos and stuff. But anyway I will take my leave now nice to meet you guys." The girl explains.

She is right though. Our music transcends genders and breaks all language barriers. Her genuineness comes through all the way.

"Wait you will have to exit the airport with us because if the girls from the aeroplane see you are not walking with us then you will probably be labelled as one of our girlfriends, which I am sure you do not want that to happen. Right?" Namjoon hyung states.

"So if I don't walk out with you people will think that you all are hiding someone's girlfriend and will not think that you all are trying to protect a member of "staff" (she said adding in the inverted commas)." The girl answers.

"Well, not the fans but saesangs which are Korean equivalent to stalker fans and Dispatch which is equivalent to the paparazzi. They will always assume the worst. " Namjoon hyung replied.

"Ok fine so when are we leaving then?" She says settling on Namjoon hyung's reasoning.

"When our manager arrives. I am Namjoon by the way." Namjoon hyung introduces himself.

"My name is Naira." The girl introduced herself.

Naira is a gorgeous and exotic name. It makes me wonder what it means.

"I am Hoseok; Nice to meet you." Hobi hyung says with his famous sunshine smile on display.

"Hello, my name is Jimin." Jimin-ah introduced himself and he gives his iconic eye-smile.

"Hi, I am Taehyung," I say while wanting to exude some of my charms. So I put my adorable boxy smile on display.

"Hi, my name is Soekjin." Jin hyung is the next one to introduce himself and he gives her his iconic worldwide cutie guy smile.

"Hi, my name is Yoongi." Yoongi hyung speaks to her with more enthusiasm than normal.

"Hi, I am Jungkook nice to meet you." Says Jungkook-ah with his angelic bunny smile.

"Nice to meet you all I am Naira." Naira introduces herself one last time.

With that, she shakes each one of our hands. Let's say i felt electricity pulsating through my veins.

"Why do not you hmmm... sit down," I say as I notice she is standing for a very long time.

"Ahh ok," Naira answers hesitantly.

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