Now seemed like the best time to bring my growling stomach to attention as it was unlikely we'd pass anymore food stops in the direction we were going.

He stopped in his tracks just before we had passed the small shop and clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Wordlessly he sifted through his pocket and brought out a small handful of coins, along with... my vision?

I see, so he was keeping it on him, right in his pocket in fact.

He seemed to notice my cold stare as he only smirked and flicked a coin at me with his thumb, before putting away the rest of the silver.

He definitely did that on purpose. He wanted me to know I was absolutely defenseless at this point in time.

I turned around with the coin I was given and proceeded to order some grilled tiger fish and continued to walk behind Scaramouche through the crowded city, all the while munching on the tasty treat.

I accompanied him to multiple shops where he proceeded to collect money, threaten clients, and do other unspeakable harbinger things that I refused to watch. It only made me sick to my stomach to see innocent people begging for mercy. It was undeserved and unjustifiable. These poor people didn't have a clue what they were getting themselves into by signing a contract with the fatui.

I remained silent for majority of the day as I didn't want to make things any worse. I assumed Scaramouche's intentions for taking me to Liyue were nothing more than to show me how merciless and cold the fatui could be. It had to be. I played no major roles toward anything by co-existing beside him.

"Enjoying the day I assume?" Scaramouche shot me a witty smirk over his shoulder as we walked to the next client.

"What do you think," I mumbled.

The part of town we were entering was much more secluded from the rest, harboring a small shop at the far end with a shaggy haired vendor inside.

"Ah, you must be, you've hardly said a word," Scaramouche stopped just in front of his next client, turning towards me fully, "you must be speechless by the fatui's power."

"When do I get to leave?" I crossed my arms unamused.

After all that I had already witnessed today, I wasn't in the mood for anymore of his games. I only wished to run back to Childe's tent and hide under his blankets, preferably alone. I was more safe there than I was with Scaramouche, that was for sure.

Scaramouche's ridiculous grin only grew as he took slow steps behind me, planting his hands on my shoulders.

"As soon as you," he leaned his head over my shoulder to make eye contact with his next client, "kill him."

The mans brown eyes widened with fear, his hands beginning to tremble. Scaramouche and I had only just stepped in and the man hadn't even gotten a word out before he was being threatened.

Scaramouche wanted me to kill this man.

Did I hear him correctly? No, I couldn't of, my imagination was just being super overactive. I'm sure if I asked him, he'd clarify that he had said something completely different to what I thought I heard. 

"What?" I asked.

He squeezed my shoulders lightly, "kill him," his voice came off light and airy. 

So, my imagination was definitely not overactive at the moment, he really wants me to kill this man.

I took a deep breath in. He was trying to get under my skin, to get a reaction out of me. I couldn't let him see any weakness from me.

The Thief and the Harbingers Childe x reader x ScaramoucheWhere stories live. Discover now