Chapter five: Introductions

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3rd pov:

"Right! Now that you're all here we'll start by introducing ourselves. For the basics, likes, dislikes, hobbies and your dream will be a good start. Yui-chan can go first."

Sakara stated after they had all sat down near the targets to Reiji's displeasure. Well, Shu was leaning against the log that was acting as the target and Ayato was sitting up in the tree beside them and Reiji still refused to sit on the ground.

"Eh? Me? O-ok, I'm Yui Komori. I l-like flowers, music and the church. I don't really like blood,"

As she was talking the brothers were silently signaling to each other on what they should do if the Pinkett decided to attack them. Sakara quickly caught on but acted oblivious of their hidden conversation. She was amused and used decoding their signals as a pastime in their little introduction. She ended up only half listening to Yui's introduction but got a good idea of who she is and how she acts.

"Or really spicy food. I'm scared of heights so I tend to stay away from those too. Um, hobbies i guess would be drawing and making charm bracelets. I-I don't really have a dream. I Guess, helping all the people i meet would be a good start though."

Sakara smiled at her.

"That was wonderful Yui, I tend to sketch from time to time too. Alright, who wants to go next?"

She asked the boys who were slightly distracted with their silent conversation. So far they had made an agreement on who would be attack and who would be defense along with who would get Yui out of the danger zone which was obviously Ayato. Sakara's call for them had brought them out of their little world. Reiji cleared his throat and stood a little straighter.

"I shall go next. My name is Reiji Sakamaki. My specific interests are scientific theories and tea. My specific disinterests are that deadbeat over there and dispunctual people (Sakara sweat dropped). My hobbies include reading along with mixing and experimenting with chemical substances. Speaking of experiments, are you positive that you are unwilling to sell that paper from earlier that controlled the water? I do believe that we could find a price that we both agree on."

Reiji gave Sakara one of his best smiles (unknowingly scaring Yui) while purposefully leaving his love for tea sets out of the picture so they could not be held hostage. After all, tea was replaceable while tea sets were not. Along with this he also brought up the subject of the water controlling paper to distract the woman from his dream as that was private information.

'What a smart distraction, that was expertly well played Reiji-kun. So I'll play along for now and pretend I didn't notice your purposeful change in subject. His way with words would definitely go well in the T and I section, definitely teaching him a few tricks about that later. But tea lovers tend to have a love for tea sets too, don't they? Perhaps not, but then again he doesn't know me and from my knowledge tea sets break easily right? The real question is, what's so bad about your dream that you were trying to hide it?'

Sakara pondered over it for a second before answering his question.

"*sigh* No, I am not interested in selling any of my belongings to you Reiji-san. Please don't ask again."

"Wait, she has paper that can control the water? Teddy and I want to see that! Isn't that right Teddy?" said Kanato as he healed his teddy a little tighter.

Subaru had just signaled that she could paralyze his body with just hitting his chest a few times. He didn't want to be paralyzed and leave Teddy to get hurt. He might not have seen the fight, but the way the others explained it to him he knew that the new girl was dangerous.

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