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Y/N's 1st Person POV

It's 5:30 in the afternoon and I just got back home from doing some grocery shopping. I ended up buying a bunch of chocolate, deciding last minute that I would pass out candy to kids who are trick-or-treating.

I wasn't planning on giving out candy tonight. But, when I was at the store and saw all the candy, I thought seeing all the kids in cute, creative costumes would be a good distraction from my thoughts.

Halloween is my favorite holiday. But, I was planning on not doing anything just because I wasn't feeling my usual festive self. I was even planning on going to bed early because the breakup with Hoseok had been affecting me so much the past few months.

I kept putting myself down thinking I did something wrong. I kept wondering if I wasn't good enough for Hoseok to stay faithful to me. But, I realize after all this soul searching that it's not me.

After seeing him this morning, I realize that I can't let him get the best of me.

Yes, once upon a time, he and I were in love. I thought we would go the distance, until he completely broke the trust we had for each other. And, the fact that he could do what he did after us having a measly fight, is just enough reason for me to not give him another try.

As much as I hate the idea of being alone or even entertain the thought of getting back into the dating scene, I am better off being single than being with someone who couldn't value my feelings.

Hoseok acted like he still loved me when he showed up this morning, as if my feelings actually mattered. If they did matter to him, he wouldn't fucking cheat on me in the first place.

So, good riddance. I'm glad that Hoseok showed up this morning. It had been a while since I'd seen him. Spotting him at the party last night made me sad, but when he showed up this morning, claiming he still loved me, I just couldn't take him seriously. I don't need him.

I know I'll be fine. So, what if I'm single and I'll be alone for a while? I know I'll go through my bouts of loneliness. But, I'm grateful that I do have friends I can rely on for company or to talk to.

I'm currently in the kitchen, starting to pull out all the ingredients out to make baked 5-cheese Mac n cheese and I'm making a huge serving. I'll be alone, but it's my comfort food, and, I'm going to indulge in some of it while watching some Halloween movies. Whatever is leftover, I'll just bring to work, tomorrow, to share with Maisie, Namjoon and other coworkers who I like.

I'm making the best of tonight.

As I'm now stirring the sauce that I'll be pouring over the macaroni, my phone buzzes, indicating an incoming text.

I assume it's Maisie, who's been slowly sharing juicy details of her steamy sexy threesome she was involved in last night. That has definitely been entertaining me.

When I look at my screen, my eyes widen when I see that it's a text from Yoongi.

I didn't think I'd hear from him again.

Hi, Y/N. I hope it's okay that I text you. I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly. I didn't want to intrude in whatever was going on this morning with Hoseok. You did seem upset earlier. That's why I'm mainly texting. I just wanted to check that you're okay.

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