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"Did you get a message from Namjoon last night?" I ask Maisie.

Maisie and I are coworkers. We are case managers for Min Insurance, along with Namjoon. Not only is Maisie my coworker, but we've become the closest of friends.

I just picked her up from her apartment and we are on our way to the office.

"A message about the Halloween party this coming weekend?! Yeah, I did! We need to go!" Maisie says excitedly, looking over at me as I try to look forward to focus on my driving.

"I don't know, Maisie. I haven't been in the mood to go out and be around people." I'm reluctant to go because I just haven't been in the mood to socialize and be near happy people, when I, myself, have been such a downer lately.

"You need to stop being anti-social, Y/N! I know you're still mending your heart from your break-up with Hoseok, but you need to let yourself not dwell on it too much and get yourself out there! Let's go! Please?!" I can tell she's pouting at me.

"I know it's been a few months. But, for me, the wounds are somewhat still fresh. I was with Hoseok for four years. I thought he was the one. I'm really not quite ready to put myself out there." I reason out to her.

"Okay, it's not like I'm saying you'll meet the next man you'll have a committed relationship with, but you need to get laid! Between Namjoon and his two roommates, I'm sure they have a bunch of handsome friends who would be perfect for a rebound!" I look over to her quickly and she looks hopeful about me changing my mind, then I turn my focus back to the road.

"As much as I do have those sexual needs to be fulfilled, I don't know...I'm not sure I want to socialize." I think out loud.

"You've been holing yourself up in your apartment, other than work and going to the grocery store! That's not healthy! You're letting Hoseok win by shutting yourself out from the world and not allowing yourself to enjoy life!"

I listen to her words but don't reply. I do, however, absorb what she says and she does make a point.

I can't let Hoseok take the upper hand of this break up by closing myself off and constantly being down about it.  

"What do you say, Y/N?! Come on! You need this party! A fresh start! Let yourself have some fun!" Maisie is doing a really great job at convincing me.

"Fine! We need costumes, though!" I give in and I look her way while we are stopped at a red light.

"Yes!" She squeals. "We can go look for costumes after work. We have a week until the party. I'm sure there are still some good costumes available in stores. If we don't find anything good, we can order some online and get them rush-delivered!"

"Sounds good to me," I reply to her plans for us to find costumes.

A few minutes pass, and, I'm parking in my usual spot in our office's parking lot. As, I turn off the ignition, Namjoon's car pulls into the spot to the left of my car. He exits his car the same time Maisie and I get out of my car.

"Hey, Ladies! I know Maisie is coming to my party this weekend. But, Y/N, I never got a reply from you. Please tell me you're coming to the party." He looks at me with pleading eyes as all three of us walk towards the office building.

"Well, Maisie convinced me to go during our drive here. So, yes, I'll be there, Namjoon."

"Fuck Yes!" Namjoon exclaims as he opens the door for me and Maisie to enter before him.

"I better have fun at this party Namjoon," I say as I give him judging eyes.

"Oh, believe me, you will enjoy yourself," Namjoon guarantees as he smirks at me.

We all head to our side of the office where our cubicles are. We have a half hour before we clock in, so the three of us converse among ourselves to kill time. Namjoon tells us details about the party and how he invited people from the office. He mentioned that there will be new people for us to meet because of the people his two roommates, Jimin and Jin, have invited to it.


It's now a little past 5pm and we just left work. I am driving Maisie and myself to a costume store not too far from our office building. It takes us about fifteen minutes to reach our destination.

When we walk into the store, we see aisles and aisles of costumes before us.

"Y/N, you need to find something that turns heads, especially if Hoseok is there," Maisie suggests.

"I really hope he's not going to be there, but he is close with Namjoon so it is possible...fuck," I lament.

When Hoseok and I were together, he obviously spent time with my circle of friends, which includes Namjoon. Because of that, they have become good friends. And, although Namjoon and I have been friends longer, I'm not one to control who Namjoon wants to continue to spend his time with. I know his friendship with Hoseok is meaningful.

So, if Hoseok ends up being at this party, then so be it. I'll just have to find a sexy costume just as Maisie had suggested. I want to see his jaw drop and make him regret that he ruined our relationship by cheating on me.

And, who knows, maybe I might find a hot guy to have rebound sex with. It's been a few months and I've been depriving myself.

I let Maisie drag me around the store to find the perfect costumes for both of us.

She makes me try on several ridiculous costumes like a sexy nun costume and a sexy Spongebob one.

I do see several contenders like a devil and a maid costume. I thought about settling with a sexy witch set until my eyes landed on the perfect costume.

I try on the dress, and I'm shocked by how it accentuates all my curves just perfectly. There was no way I was going to pick anything else. I am buying this costume.

I plan on looking so fucking sexy that if Hoseok is at the party, he'll wish he never fucked up with our relationship and kick himself for losing me.

I plan on looking so fucking sexy that if Hoseok is at the party, he'll wish he never fucked up with our relationship and kick himself for losing me

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