Mission to the Land of Waves

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"This is Sasuke; I'm in position."

"Sakura, I'm in position."

"Ren, I'm in position."

"Naruto, I'm in position, believe it."

"Good, do you have eyes on the target?" Kakashi asked over the coms.

"Ren here, the target is exactly 5 meters away in a bush."

"Good initiate capture in 3... 2... 1. Now!" Kakashi ordered.

Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto jump out of the tree, but the target dashes away. Ren jumps down from the tree blocking the target's path, and slams his hand on the ground capturing the target in a small cage made of stone.

"Do you have confirmation on the target's identity?" Kakashi asked.

"Affirmative. Bow on the ear; this is the cat, Tora." Sasuke responded as the cat started clawing at the bars trying to escape.

"Well done, team. Mission Capture Lost Pet Tora: Accomplished." Kakashi replied.

~Mission Office~

Team 7 stood there and watched as a fat lady who was the wife of the land of fire's daimyo started hugging Tora to death.

'No wonder it ran away.' Ren thought and sweatdropped at this.

"The next mission for Kakashi's Squad Seven is... an errand to the neighboring town... to babysit the Chief Councilor's boy... helping with digging for potatoes-" The Hokage started speaking before Naruto interrupted him.

"Nooooooo! No! No, thank you! As for me, I want to do like a more exciting mission! Give us something else!" Naruto shouted, holding his arms in an X formation.

'I hate to agree, but Naruto is right.' Ren thought.

Iruka then scolds Naruto, saying that he's still a rookie and has to move up the ladder to gain experience from simple missions. Naruto argued back that they were nothing but "blah" missions; this earned him a punch to the head from Kakashi, making him fall to the floor. The Hokage then explains the reason behind missions, but nobody was paying attention. We were all listening to Naruto talk about ramen.

"Listen!" the Hokage shouted.

"You always lecture me, old man! But I'm not that little prankster that you think I am! Hmmph!" Naruto turned away, pouting.

'Is he seriously pouting?' Ren thought to himself, sweat dropping at Naruto's attitude.

"Okay, fine! If you insist... I'll have you do a C Rank mission. You will be bodyguards for someone." The Hokage said with his hand folded in front of him.

Naruto got excited immediately and started asking if the person they would be guarding was a princess or a feudal lord.

'On a C rank mission? There's no way, that's at least B or A rank.' Ren thought as he felt someone approach the mission room. 

"Don't get so hasty. I'll introduce you now! Could you please come in?!" The Hokage shouted.

A door from the side of the room opened to reveal an old man with a bottle of alcohol in his hands who was clearly drunk. Ren pinched his nose in disgust at the smell of the alcohol and the man. 'Oh man, this guy reeks!'

"What's this? It's just a bunch of damn kids. Particularly you, the smallest one with the idiot face. Are you really a ninja?" The old man said.

Naruto just started to laugh. "Who's the smallest one with the idiot face he's talking about?" Naruto said, looking around and noticing that Ren's the tallest, then Sasuke, then Sakura, and finally him.

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