Begin Again

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Jungkook punches in the code to their studio in the basement level of the HYBE headquarters and is surprised to find the lights on. He left the cafe with Bang PD with the promise of a second chance, and a plan to have him visit set later tonight after the shoot wraps.

The little figure at the console spins around to greet him and he recognizes her as Moon, their producer. He's only met her once, but he feels as though he knows all about her from Yoongi.

"Moon?" he stammers. She smiles back at him surprised, but pleased.

"Jungkook oppa, I wasn't expecting you today?" She pushes a chair towards him as an invitation to sit down. He smiles awkwardly but continues standing.

"I didn't realize anyone would be here, I was just in the building to see Bang PD. Are you working with one of the members today?" She shakes her head.

"I wanted to finish up some work on one of the songs. I haven't been in the studio for a few days." She blushes a little and turns away as she admits this. He wonders if Yoongi has been keeping her too busy to work with the other members.

"I did want to talk to you about a song I am working on. I started it with Namjoon hyung, and I worked on it here, perhaps you have listened to it already?" he asks, assuming she might have listened to what they started. She nods, as he expected. "He really helps me with lyrics, just with getting my ideas out." She smiles.

"It did remind me of Begin, the song you wrote with him years ago, I mean, the feel of the sentiment." He's surprised by her making the connection and he relaxes and sits down beside her.

"It's funny you should say that, I discussed that with him as well, what do you think of the lyrics so far? They aren't finished, it's a placeholder really," he excuses the lyrics, unsure if they are good enough yet.

"It makes me think you are on a new path, like you are beginning again." He stares at her, unsure how much she knows or how much of his current situation might have somehow been revealed to her. It seems impossible that she could take that just from the few verses he has laid down.

"Begin again?" he asks, hoping she will explain. She tilts her head as she studies him.

"Yes, instead of just the idea of being thankful for your world beginning, you're hopeful and eager to find the next beginning." His eyes get wider.

"Does it sound like- like a love song?" He swallows hard as he asks the question, unsure what the correct answer is. She smiles sweetly.

"It sounds like you are on this journey. There might be someone on the journey with you, but the point of the lyrics seems to be that this is your new beginning. Brand new Jungkook," she giggles at the idea. He grins at her, unsure if he is relieved, unsure if he agrees, but happy to hear her perspective.

"I might be on a new journey, a new path, yes." He says the words, still unsure if this new path is professional or personal, but feeling open to whatever comes. "Could we work on it together? I have time before I need to be on set." She studies him, realizing he is eager to share, and might not always be quite so eager. She nods as the smile spreads across her face.

"Sure, let's get started." She turns back to the mix console and makes some changes to pause what she had been working on in favor of the new track from Namjoon and Jungkook. He pulls his chair closer to the board beside her and he looks over at her, thinking about Yoongi and what he's told him about Moon, about how he feels.

"I'm very glad you came to work with us Moon. You're the right person, at the right time." He surprises her by saying out of nowhere. She smiles over at him, confused, but when she sees the grin on his face, she knows that Yoongi must have said something about them when he was on set the day before. She blushes and bites her lip as she wonders how to respond.

"Thank you, I am really happy. Very happy to be with you all." She admits, honestly and she takes a quick deep breath and turns back to the business in front of her.


Binna stands in front of the empty suitcase laid across her bed and looks at a pile of freshly laundered clothes laying next to it. She isn't sure what to pack for London, she can't remember what the weather will really be like at this time of year, but she only has one thought; getting as far away from Seoul as she can, as quickly as she can. There is no reason to stay in Korea if she will be blacklisted at every company and production house she walks in to. There is no reason to consider finding other work because filmmaking is in her blood. She isn't sure who she would be if she didn't have a camera in her hands or a set to go to.

She has a few friends in London who might be able to connect her with work. Friends she hasn't seen for a few years since the wrap of her last documentary before she moved back to Korea, but she thinks they probably would help, or at least give her the names of others who could. The industry in London is removed enough from Seoul to not worry about her tainted reputation proceeding her. She knows she didn't leak any footage, but she also knows that she is still guilty. She's guilty of saving footage she had no right to save. She's guilty of having a relationship with an artist, who also happened to be her boss, and she's guilty of letting her feelings get in the way of her career.

She made a similar mistake once before, years ago, when she almost gave up being herself, in order to fit into the world of someone else. She would have quit it all to be with him, and if she had, she would have regretted it. She would have played along for a few years until the glow of the honeymoon phase wore off and then one day, she would have looked into the mirror to see an empty shell, who sort of looked like someone she use to recognize. That bright part of her, with the drive and passion and competitive spirit, would be silenced forever to be the 'wife of...' and now, she was sure she was falling into the same trap, fighting deep feelings for someone she could never truly have, but wanting him meant it would cost her herself. She wasn't ready to pay that price. So leaving, without a word, starting over somewhere else, far away, was for the best.

She grabs the handful of clothes off the top of the pile and drops them into the empty case, one by one until it's full, and then she closes the case, zipping it shut. One more load of laundry, one more suitcase to fill and she will be ready to leave tomorrow night. Then, Seoul can just be a bad memory and as the distance grows, and the weeks turn to months, she will eventually forget that this ever happened.

Begin (JJK) BTS 2026 series Book 3 (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें