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Jimin puts his bag into the locker, pulling out his phone and attaching it to his arm band to keep it safe. He looks over at Jungkook who has pulled his sweats down and is awkwardly trying to examine his thigh, somewhat unsuccessfully. Jimin laughs at the sight.

"What's happened?" He chuckles as Jungkook turns struggling as he tries to see his leg.

"Hyung, is there a red mark on my leg, here?" He points in the general area. Jimin frowns and bends closer to him to see his skin better. Satisfied there is nothing to see, he stands up.

"There's no mark. What happened?" Jungkook groans, he was certain there would be some evidence of his fall. He pulls his sweats back up, tying the drawstring around his waist.

"I fell on the treadmill." Jimin's eyes get wide.

"You fell?" He looks at Jungkook concerned. He's probably more concerned than the others would be because of his own injury.

"Yeah but not before I apparently hit that woman in the head with my phone." Jimin gasps. He starts laughing.

"What woman?!"

"The woman on the treadmill in front of me, the one you thought I was eyeing..." Jimin grins, remembering, still convinced he was right.

"How did you manage that?!"

"I really don't know hyung. I was trying to find a song and my phone started making this weird alert, like bells, and it startled me, I knocked it out of my hand and when I tried to grab it I fell. She told me it hit her in the head." He shakes his head at the absurdity.

"There are easier ways to meet women," he teases. Jungkook blushes, even though he knows Jimin is teasing him, he still feels like a shy teenager around the hyungs sometimes.

"Come on, let's go work out, but maybe we should lift weights instead." Jimin follows after him.


Jungkook and Jimin spend the next hour in the weight room talking about absolutely nothing serious, and making each other laugh at random memories. As they finish up, they are consumed with giggling about some silly inside joke. The door to the room opens and a woman enters, walking straight up to the weight bench, as she wipes her brow with her towel. She's beet red from a cardio work out and she looks up to notice that Jungkook and Jimin are stood silently staring at her without realizing it.

"Am I interrupting something?" she asks, and they turn to each other and both realize they were starring. Jimin looks down at the floor quickly, embarrassed, and Jungkook giggles a little.

"Hello again," he says. She looks at him curiously.

"Have we met?" She takes a drink from her water bottle. Jungkook looks over at Jimin surprised.

"I hit you with my phone," he awkwardly reminds her. She raises her eyebrow and then looks him up and down.

"Oh right, I must have a concussion, I didn't recognize you." He isn't sure if she is teasing. He looks at her blankly. A smile breaks across her face and she shakes her head. "Are you ok if I use this machine? You won't repeat the assault?" Jimin laughs, and covers his mouth to hide it. He looks away, biting his lip.

"No!" Jungkook says embarrassed.

"Just to be sure, you might want to put your phone down." She begins working on the machine, but she turns to look over her shoulder at him, to see if he's listened to her. He's staring at her, at her form, as she works on the machine and when she turns she catches him. He blushes, and looks away, thinking that this could not get any worse for him.

"I promise Noona, I don't even have my phone with me." He says surprising her. She glares at him angrily, and turns to face him.

"I don't know who you think you are, but I'm not your Noona," she says and Jungkooks eyes grow wide at the idea that she does not know who he is, and secondly, that she sure does not want to be referred to as 'Noona", at least, not by him. He meant to show nothing but respect and he awkwardly tries to explain himself but Jimin stops him from making it worse, touching his arm gently.

"We're done Kookie, let's go get changed," he tries to distract him and pull him away to prevent this from becoming even more awkward. He looks back at her wishing he could explain this, as Jimin pulls at his sleeve to get him out of the room. She turns back to the machine, ignoring him.

As they step through the doorway into the locker room Jungkook, mouth still agape, looks over at Jimin.

"I didn't mean anything by it, she-I mean, I wasn't trying to be insulting. She has to know that," he explains himself to Jimin because he couldn't explain himself to her. Jimin nods, and pulls open his locker to get out his shower bag.

"It's ok, she's probably just having a bad day." He grabs a towel and walks toward the showers. Jungkook frowns and reaches into his locker to get his bag out to follow after Jimin.

He turns on the shower and lets the water rush over his body. He moves his face under the stream, closing his eyes to feel the pulse of the water beating down on him. He hasn't met a woman who didn't know who he was already for a long time. Not one close to his own age at least. She's at the HYBE gym so she must work for the company which means she has to know who BTS is. He runs his hands through his hair and an idea comes to him. He smiles broadly. She must know who he is and she's just pretending. She's playing some sort of game with him to peak his interest. He laughs a little out loud at the idea that he's figured her out.

"What's so funny?" Jimin calls over from his shower stall next to him. Jungkook opens his eyes, surprised by Jimin's question and gets a face full of water. He squints hard as he pulls his head out of the stream.

"I was just thinking that woman, 'Noona,' must have been lying about not knowing who I am. I think she's playing a game." Jimin pops his head over into Jungkooks stall, regarding him.

"Don't get any ideas, she really did not seem to like you," he warns him. Jungkook turns to look back at him with a grin on his face that Jimin recognizes all too well. He's already formulating a plan.

Begin (JJK) BTS 2026 series Book 3 (COMPLETED)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat