Chapter 09

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"This is the reason we can't leave them alone here." Said Namjoon

Jimin and Jhope were standing alone there, waiting for V and Jungkook.
"Hospital, this portion and Hospital, upper portion. Why are we thinking that we are safe, staying here." Jimin asked Jhope
"I'm not thinking that. Who told you?"
"Then why are we not going after them?"
"Okay, let's go." Said Jhope
As they came near stairs, Jhope got a glance of something, "Jimin, look!"
He picked up that and turned it. It was jimin's picture. Jimin was amazed. This was the same picture they shoot before, with a hand from bush.
"H.h.ow it got here." He spoke with sigh, and stared it for a while. He threw that picture furiously.
The picture flew and went into the room nearby. They were trembled to see it and tried to take their sight off it. They moved upstairs with heavy steps, as the photo had renewed their terror.
As they got near the second floor, they heard the voice of a lady singing a lullaby in a soft, sweet voice. Their steps froze and heartbeat rate increased much more than normal. They lost courage to do anything and stood like statue. The voice was fading gradually. A baby was weeping loudly.
"Ssshhhhhh" She said and continued singing.
"J.j.Hope!" Jimin whispered with chattering teeth
The footsteps sound echoed in ears. The woman was probably coming out of room. As soon as they saw a lady's shadow, holding a child, covered in a blanket, they screamed loudly and ran upstairs before she could be out.
"What was that? She was dead! She was a ghost! We saw a witch, Jimin! We saw a witch!" Jhope was shaking Jimin, who was almost out of his conscious.
"We have to go" Jimin replied and ran to the third floor where they were not supposed to go.

V and Jungkook reached the terrace, searching for their house but they could not see much due to rain. The frame, which Namjoon had thrown out of the window, was broken and the picture inside, behind the glass cover, flew toward the terrace. Not because of the wind, it was by spirits.
"Look at this picture." Jungkook caught it, "It's completely wet but still not torn...V!..V!..Do you hear me?" He looked at V who was gazing something in shock, with full opened eyes and mouth. Jungkook looks outside, someone in white shadow was coming toward them. It was looking normal from distance but as it got near, its feet did not touch the land. It was coming close to them, while mumbling something. It was probably in another language or the same sound they heard in the car. Because they could not understand, what it was saying.
He looked back at the picture which had turned its face like before. He threw it in shock. Before he could hold on himself, the voice got even louder.
Voice was sweet, when at distance but as it become loud, it suddenly roared loudly like an animal before hunting on its prey.
Jungkook took V's hand who was standing frozen and rushed inside. The voice faded and shadow vanished. They both ran constantly unless they were tired and sweaty.
"Help me" Said an old voice which stopped them
"What's this now?" Said V while breathing hardly
"From here"
"Jungkook, stop!" V said loudly because Jungkook was moving toward the direction, where sound did come.
"Someone's in trouble." He said and came into the room.


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