Killua was interrupted by the ringing of his phone. Miley Cyrus's, "Party in the USA," blaring from the speaker of his phone. He'd be sure to change that ringtone later, if he remembered of course.

Killua sighed a frustrated sigh and answered the phone, "What the fuck is it, Kurapika?"

"Well that's a rude way to answer your brother's boyfriend, isn't it?"

Killua's eyes widened, "Hisoka?"

"The one and only-"

"Why the fuck do you have Kurapika's phone?"

"Why? Well, because he's in the hospital of course."

"The hospital?" Killua said in disbelief. "What the fuck did you do to him?"

"Me? I didn't do anything-"


"I suggest you come to the hospital before his condition worsens." Hisoka said in a devious tone.

"You wouldn't d-dare..." Killua used his free hand to wipe away the tears that were now falling onto his face.

"I would. Now, get your ass over here. Now."

After that the phone hung up. Gon heard the dial tone through the loud volume on the phone, but he wasn't able to hear the conversation before that. He was worried. He'd never seen Killua cry, in fact, he never wanted to see Killua cry. The sight wasn't a terrible one, Gon was just a kind person.

"Killua....are you okay?"

But, Gon didn't receive an answer.

"Qué pasa, Killua?" Gon said softly, hoping that'll snap Killua out of this trance his mind has submitted him into. "Dígame."

Killua blinked a few times before looking back at Gon with a soft smile, "Was that last word... did you say tell me?"

"I did. You wanna try to pronounce it?"

Killua nodded and listened to Gon as he said the word again.

"Can you say it slower?"

Gon nodded and did as asked.

"D-Dee....gah... meh?" Killua questioned. Gon nodded and gestured for Killua to say it again, but this time, altogether.

"Dígame." Killua said.

"Good job, now you know how to say something else in spanish. Now please. Tell me what happened, is Kurapika okay?"

"I-I don't know..." Killua trailed off, but then shook his head and continued. "You never really know when it comes to Hisoka."

"Okay, let's go."

Killua nodded and slowly walked to Gon's car. Bad thoughts racing through his head. Gon locked the door to the house and ran to Killua's side, helping him inside the car, before getting in the driver's seat.

Gon quickly turned on the car and speed off onto the main road, "Okay, so first off. Who the hell is Hisoka?"

"My brother's boyfriend."

"The brother that shot up your car?"

"Yeah. Hisoka's a fucking drug addict to. Illumi comes to me to ask for money for him to buy more drugs."

Gon had another question, but he didn't want to sound rude, but he was too curious. "Why won't Illumi just... leave?"

"Because he can't. Hisoka won't let him, no one knows why. Which is why... I'm gonna kill him. So, my brother can just be happy. Be at peace."

"You think killing him is the best option?"

"It might not be the best option," Killua shrugged. "But it's still an option."

"We can... put him in jail or something?"

"And you think the officers will care. Hell, they even buy shit from Hisoka."

"Damn." Gon said defeated. "Well, if you want to kill him, I'm in."

"You mean it?"

"Totally. From what you're telling me, Illumi is in danger. I don't want the brother of someone I care about to be in danger."

"Gon, you're really too nice for your own good."

"So I've been told," Gon said with a smirk.

"That's not something you should be proud of, idiot." Killua said with a small chuckle following.

"So I've been told." Gon repeated.


A/N: Finally updated this train wreck of a book. Honestly, I'm thinking about deleting this book... :(

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