Big brother?

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Complication. A word meaning a circumstance that complicates something, or simply put as a difficulty.

Killua had his fair share of those, which is why he's stuck with being a stripper, not that he's complaining. If he hadn't brought himself into this life, he would've never met Gon.

But if he didn't, he would've never had to leave his family. But he's sure he made the right decision. Of course, some people wouldn't agree, saying he's too immature to be away from his family or that he has a duty to fulfill.

One of those people would be the reason he's not on his way to work anymore.

When Killua left for work, he softly smiled to himself, happy. For the first time in a long while, he was at peace, enjoying life.

He played his happy playlist, which he'd never played before, once he connected his Bluetooth. He'd forgotten which songs were on there, it was rare for him to be happy, or at least happy enough to want to listen to happy music.

He was at least ten minutes away from the club, windows down, the smell of unidentifiable flowers tickling his nose hairs in savory, the wind sending a cool breeze through his hair, causing it to sway side to side.

It was like a dream.. turned nightmare. As Killua was making a turn, his car started to wobble and shake, sending him into a ditch. The air bag hitting him smack in the chest.

He coughed, having enough experience to not die that easily. Opening the door, still coughing, he trips and falls into the ditch below the driver's side of the car.

Wheezing a bit, he climbs out of the ditch onto the flat ground above it, holding his chest and taking deep breaths.

"Hey there, Kill." A familiar voice calls out to him, he immediately recognizes it.

His eyes widen as he follows the voice, shaking slightly, but still trying to keep his composure.

"B-Big... Big brother?" Killua says, his breath hitching.

"Where ya headed?" Illumi asks.

"T-To work," Killua says, looking away.

"Sorry about your car, I'll get you a new one, I just couldn't believe it when I saw your car. I thought it was too good to be-"

"Cut the bullshit, what do you want? More money?"

"I- you caught me. I need more money for Hisoka,"
Illumi explained.

"I'm not giving you any money for that clown."

"Please, Killua. He.. He needs more and if I give it to him, maybe I'll have a way out of this. I can be happy, just please," Illumi pleaded.

"What is it for this time?"

"He's just... not financially stable right now. He's an addict as you know, but I need to help him get back on his feet. After that, I'll leave him, I'll be gone."

"That's what you said the last two times, big brother. Why should I believe you this time?" Killua asked, reaching into his pocket.

"Kill, I'm serious this time, promise. You know I don't break promises."

This was a fact. Illumi had never broken a promise, no matter what it was he was promising to. He never broke it, he always found a way.

"Fine, whatever." Killua agreed, slipping out many hundreds from his wallet and handing them to Illumi.

"Thank you, Kill. I mean it, I'll leave him when he's better." Illumi said excitedly as he ran back to his car, smiling wide as he drove off.

"HEY! How the fuck am I supposed to get back home?" He called after the car, but unfortunately Illumi didn't hear him.

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