Ouch. James' heart clenched a little at this greeting, but he might've realized now why she talked like that. Kneading his hands slightly nervous, he shook his head in thought and raised it again.

,,I- I just wanted to ask how you are. As you're sitting here all on your own."

Being caught off guard, Lilys eyes widened. He might not expect it, but she noticed his different behavior. The uncertainty in his eyes. The way he can't stay still. the difficulty he is facing with looking straight into her eyes. He wasn't his usual self. ,,I'm fine. Are you?

,,Yeah- yeah, totally fine." His look tuned into a dejected expression, as James lowered his eyes once again, unsure of what to do or say next. 

Over the past days, James had thought about his connection and behavior in front of Lily. Especially after Amelia made her speech in front of the potions classroom, James couldn't help but wonder if she was right. And as he reflected on the past and the person he was willing love, his heart told him that she might be.

Deep in thought he didn't even register Lily standing up from her chair and walking up to him. She brushed the string of ginger hair out of her face and stepped right in front of the boy with round glasses. She might've been harsh at first, but Lily thought he was just setting up a prank again or asking her out for the thousandth time. Even if him doing it alone in the library seemed kinda odd to her in the first place. And as James didn't look like this today, she was starting to worry.

Placing her hand on his forearm, Lily snapped him back into the present and looked up at him with confused eyes. ,,Are you sure you're ok?" she asked, thinking about a way to handle this. ,,Uhm- where's Sirius?"

,,Flirting with some Hufflepuff, I think." James mumbled, as he raised his head again, his brown eyes meeting her green ones with a look of pure honesty. 

Catching his breath, James gained back his strength to speak. ,,I- I wanted to apologize, Lily. For bothering and annoying you so much in the past. I never thought about how you might feel about my public love declarations or stuff like that. I'm sorry. But you have to know that I truly like you and that I am serious about this."

Heat rose up her cheeks, as her face turned more red every passing second. Lily couldn't believe her eyes and ears. James Potter apologized to her. He really apologized. And he didn't do it in front of many other people. It was just her who heard his words. And as she met his eyes, he saw that he was serious and honest. He really liked her.

,,I accept your apology, James."

He must be dreaming. She said his name. Lily just called him by his first name. No annoyance or sound of displeasing in her voice. Just calm. Damn, he loved how she says his name. And her tiny smiled sealed everything. ,,Really?"

,,Yes, really."

,,Thank you so much." Quickly wrapping his arms around her, James soon realized what he was doing and quickly pulled away again, mumbling a breathless sorry.

His face started to get warm and soon matched hers as she looked up at him eyes wide and a smile gracing her face. ,,It's okay."

,,So- uh-" James stumbled in pure bliss and excitement. He looked around, back at the table full of books and notes. ,,Well then I don't wanna bother you any further right now." 

He gathered up all his courage and looked one last time into her emerald-like eyes before leaning down to be at her height and placing his lips on her cheek. Her skin was soft under his, and a warm feeling spread through James' body as his heart seemed to explode.

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