18. Alexander Hamilton

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These lyrics have been playing on my mind for a while;
"It must be nice, it must be nice
To have Washington on your side
It must be nice, it must be nice
To have Washington on your side"
In our dynamic in L'Manburg, I wonder, whom was Hamilton, and whom was Washington. You may think the answer is obvious, but it isn't. Yes, our traditional roles were myself as Washington, and Tommy as Hamilton, but actually, history will more remember Tommy, and I will be a mere figure of history. It makes sense actually, if you think of the opening to the musical;

How does a bastard, yep, I'm like 99% sure Phil didn't marry the fridge.

Orphan, well, I might as well be, seeing as Techno was the favourite child and I basically raised myself.

Son of a whore, bit rude to call a fridge a whore but I can't prove otherwise.

And a scottsman, well, try about 400 miles south.

You get the idea, I relate alot to Hamilton. That is the question though, if I get out of this god forsaken train station, will I too question if I will throw away my shot?

Also another question, legacy. What is my legacy? Is it the great nation I created, or is it the tyranny I blew up?


"Yes Will?"

"What is my legacy? Be honest."

"You honestly want to know, no sugarcoating?"


"Your legacy is that of a madman Will, there are very few people that missed you."

Something just snapped in my brain. That's how they all saw me was it? Not the great architect of an unfinished symphony, not the great politician who fell from grace due to an evil tyrant.

A madman

That's all I was to these people.

Well, am I the bad guy? I'll be the bad guy again just like last time, and we all know how that went.

It's been over a decade I've spent on this platform in hell but I'll come back hell bent.

So, first up, Tommy, my own flesh and blood, and yet, you claim that I am a madman.

"Tommy, I'm bored, want to play competitive solitaire?"

"Ughhhhhh, I'm booooored!"

"Be quiet."

"How long left?"

"What do you mean! How long left until the universe ends? Based on what I've read, about 3 eons."

Wait, why is there a train coming.

My ears are bleeding from the screeching, who is getting off this time?





Tommy is getting on the train.




For fucks sake, he's gone. My only company, my only source of entertainment. FUCK!

Wait, if he's gone, that means he has been revived.

If Tommy gets revived, that means I can get revived.

Fuck you DreamXD for this eternal punishment you gave me. I'm going to see the light of another day.

And that day will be a very dark day for everyone except me.

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