11. Trying to deal with the devil

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"Nope, change the title. I don't care how poetic it sounds. I am not a Dreamon. I am a belevolent dictator over all the living. Now change the god damn chapter title so I can stop breaking the 4th wall and we can get back to my dealings with Wilbur."

11. Trying to appease God

"Hello DreamXD"

"No, I will not give you more immortal scrolls. You are already too powerful."

"Well, thank you for the compliment, but I don't see your problem, why not share the power around for a bit?"

"Because you will know how to revive yourself, and that is far too dangerous."

Why on earth is that dangerous. Does DreamXD not see all the self improvement I have been doing?

"I don't see your point."

"Ok, if this will shut you up, I have a deal for you. You can go back to earth for one day. You won't have any control, you will be a passenger in Ghostbur's body. You will have free will to think what you want, but no control. You will see how dangerous you have become."

Hmm. It's a tempting offer. Maybe it wouldn't be the worst idea ever. I could prove DreamXD wrong and go back to earth, it's a 2 for 1 deal.

"Can I ask some questions?"


"Will I be dropped in the present? Or a random point throughout time?"

"The present. You will be dropped as soon as the butcher army sets out. They have planned to set out at midnight."

"Ok, where will I be dropped?"

"I'm assuming you want to watch all the action unfold, so you will be dropped near Technoblades house."

"And I will have no free will?"

"No. You will see how dangerous just your thoughts are on Earth."

Hmm, this is very tempting.

"I need to know now, are you going down or not."

"Yes, will it be painful?"

"Most definitely."

"Bring it on."

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