9. A much simpler time

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Flashback 10 years ago

For context, I have aged Wilbur down a bit, as Techno is older by 2 minutes


Techno just whacked my arm really hard with his wooden sword.

"Not my fault you can't dodge"

"I didn't even want to fight...."

Then out of nowhere, there is a screaming from behind us, the little gremlin child just pounced on us.

He's wearing Dad's old netherite helmet, so of course it's too big for him, and I've got to be honest, the way it's crookedly sitting on his head is just about the most adorable thing I've ever seen.

"Does this mean I win?"

He's sat on my shoulders while wildly swinging his sword at Techno. We all start laughing uncontrollably.

I look up and say;

"But what if I do this?"

I fall backwards, collapsing in the snow and Tommy starts giggling like there is no tomorrow.


"Last one there gets the squeaky chair!"

We all start sprinting, and Tommy the little shit grabs my leg, causing me to fall. Damn it.

We all eventually get back to our little cabin.

We live in a very small village in Antarctica, we have little money, but we have happiness, and what more could we need.

We each have a bowl of mashed potatoes and a small amount of beef stew.

We were eating, Tommy cracking jokes every 5 seconds, but I noticed something was up with Dad, he wasn't participating as much as usual. Strange.

When we finished, me and Tommy rebraided Techno's hair, it had come loose in our fight, and then went back to play outside before it got too cold.

I stayed behind to help Dad clean up, that's when I questioned him.

"Hey Dad, what's wrong?"

"Oh, you noticed... I'm just worried about you and Techno. Can I please check on how your wings are doing."


I quickly remove the velcro on the back on my jumper, (it's much more convenient than having to take it off in the freezing weather all the time) to reveal the little stumps on my back.

"Oh no"

"Why did you just say oh no."

"Can you go get Techno please."

Confused, I quickly run outside and grab Techno, who was in the process of burying Tommy under the snow.


"Dad wants to see us."


"Ok boys, we have an issue, your skin is about to rip, which is good because your wings will finally start growing to the point where you can use them, but it's going to be really bloody and painful, which brings me to why I need to talk to you. We need healing potions."

Oh shit. Potions are hella expensive. This is a problem.

"Just let me go off and fight already Dad, just let me conquer Antarctica. We'd actually be able to afford things then."

"No, we will just have to make do."

Techno runs to his room and slams the door as dramatically as possible.

"What I was going to tell you both was I need you to baby sit Tommy for a couple of days. I have most of the stuff to make potions, I just don't have any glistering melon, and given how rare it is, I'm going to have to go with regeneration potions instead, but I still need ghast tears. Can you watch Tommy when I go to the nether?"

"No problems, when do you leave?"

"Tomorrow, I'm going to try and make myself a new bow tonight."

"Ok, want me to try and talk to Techno?"

"Give him an hour to cool off, can you go and get Tommy in? The mobs start spawning very soon."

To make Tommy come in, I let him bring Henry, his calf, into his room.

I then go and see Techno. I go into his room to see books all over the floor, Dad's potion kit scattered everywhere and no Techno.

However, one crash later, he rolls into the room with an entire glistering melon under his arm.

"Where the fuck did you get that?"

"I have my ways."

"You stole it...."


"Who from?"

"The castle..."


"1, nobody saw me. 2, I've always said; Fuck the government."

"Ok, but what is your plan now?"

"Make some healing potions, keep enough to last us, then sell the rest."

"Fine, you are aware Dad is going to kill us?"


We quickly get to work, turns out Techno has done us research, he knows exactly how much of what goes in when.

"You have a knack for this!"

"Thanks, I might keep making potions, you never know when you might need them."

After about 2 hours, a few mishaps, and my hands now glowing brightly due to some spilled glowstone dust, we now had 27 healing 2 potions.

We only needed 8 total to last us the process. Leaving us 19 spare.

That's more money than we had ever had.

Before we could work out how to start cleaning up, Dad walked in.

"Right, who committed the crime and who was the accomplice."

"Who is the nerd who actually reads books and would therefore know what they were doing?"

"Not my fault I am older and much better looking than you..."

One broken nose later, Dad is just standing there with a look of pride on his face.

"If you weren't caught, and these actually work, I am very proud of you both, just please, don't do this again."

He walks out and we just start laughing.

Why couldn't that joy have lasted forever?

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