"YOOOOOO" druski yelled quickly ending his live.

"What you doin bro?" Trey asked curiously.

London sighed deeply before running his hands over his face.

"He was live on Instagram and I'm pretty sure everybody heard what Chris said"

"He was live on Instagram and I'm pretty sure everybody heard what Chris said"

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Se'anie Price

"Se'anie Jaylin Price did I not tell you to take Jaden and Jo'nae to practice?" My grandma yelled at me through the phone. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.

"Mama I would have If my car didn't break down for the millionth time, I told Seven to do it" I explained, feeling frustrated with my grandmother's attitude.

"Jay, I asked you because Seven isn't reliable baby"

"I know Ma but I couldn't do it, I'll try to get my car fixed and then I'll be ready to pick them up okay?"

It was silent for a second before she let out a sigh.

"Fine Se'anie, I don't know why you just don't throw that old car out"

"Grandpa left that to me granny, you know it means the world to me"

"I know princess but sometimes you have to let go of things that are no longer useful to you" my grandma explained.

"I'll think about it" I whispered "but I gotta go okay grandma?"

"Okay 'anie, I love you"

"Love you too granny"

Without another word, I hung up the phone. I took a deep breath, trying to fight back my tears. I was late to work again today and now I had to deal with probation.

Who knew working at a diner was so demanding?

I was barely making enough to pay my half of the rent, there's no way in hell I can pay to get my car fixed.

"Why do you look like somebody ran over your dog?" My roommate, Emily asked as she walked into our cozy two bedroom apartment.

"Because my grandma is on my ass about not taking the twins to track and football practice" I groaned leaving my gaze on the blank television. I could feel a migraine coming on with full force because of the stress I'm under. Not only was my car giving me problems, and my job was being a pain in my flat ass, my twin brother seven has been hanging with the wrong crowd for the past two months.

Most nights I had to be out looking for him because he'd call me high and drunk off his ass in a weird location in the worse parts of town.

"Why didn't you take em?" Emily asked curiously.

It was no secret that I was the responsible one among my siblings. Ever since my parents decided kids weren't their thing, I've had to play the role of mommy when my grandma was busy.

First , my dad left my mom for a white woman when my brother and I were 8 and the twins were barely one. Soon after my mom started to spiral out of control , she became angry and bitter which resulted in her pushing us away. Within a few months of her being single, she dropped us off at my grandma and we haven't seen her since.

That was fourteen years ago.

Now I'm a 22 year old woman , struggling to exist in a man's world.

"My car won't start" I sighed , finally looking at her. "I need a jobbbb" I whined pouting like a toddler.

"Awww I'm sorry Susie won't start up for you" Em sympathized , calling my car by her name.

Yes, my grandpa named the car and I kept the name going.

Susie Renae Robertson.

"It's okay it isn't your fault" I mumbled leaning my head on her shoulder the moment her body hit the sofa.

"My cousin needs a new dog walker, would you like to take up the job?"

"A dog walker?" I asked looking at her confused

"Yes a dog walker" Emily giggled

"Em I don't kno-"

"She pays 40 dollars per walk and she likes her dog walker twice a day everyday , that's 80 a day" Emily smiled

" what kinda dog does she have?" I asked , shocked at the money being offered

"A cane corso named Zero"

"Oooohh cane corso's are those big ass dogs right?"

"Yeah, the friendly giants"

"Alright I'll do it" I smiled nodding

"Okay, great I'll tell her you'll be there tomorrow."

"Cool, What's her address?"

"Uhhh, 1001 Winford Drive, Tarzana , California?" Emily recited nervously.

"White bestie who act kinda black say WHAT?"

A/N: I'm nervous with all this lmao I hope y'all enjoy

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