The Rise Of Favus

Start from the beginning

Ranboo was the first to move and settle down on the right side of the couch, Tubbo followed in suit but chose to sit on the chair that sat on the right hand side of the couch. He was angled so he had practically hidden himself behind Ranboo. 

Tommy gingerly took Ranboo’s right arm, the one that was closest to him, and rotated it so the underside of his forearm was exposed. A deep gash that Ranboo had received from a mugger that night was shown to his roommates. Opening the first aid kit Tommy took out a surgical needle and thread before using rubbing alcohol to sterilize the needle.

Without warning the blonde boy began to stitch up the gash, Ranboo’s eyes watered slightly from the pain but he refused to let them fall not wanting to have another wound for Tommy to clean up.

Once the stitches were in place Tommy began to wind bandages around the stitched wound, he worked methodically and without a break. Once he was satisfied with his work he began to look around to see if Ranboo had any other major wounds, when he concluded that the only thing that was left on the tallest boy’s skin was dirt he moved towards Tubbo with the box.

“I don’t have anything you need to stitch.” Tubbo spoke sharply which stopped Tommy in his tracks, now unmoving Tommy continued to stare at his brown haired roommate. The silence was suffocating, to Tubbo it felt like a snake was constricting his throat until Tommy finally looked away.

Now without anyone to patch up, the blonde packed up the first aid kit and set it on the ground before turning to the couch and picking up the aforementioned journal.

He walked a tad forward before turning around so that both roommates were in view. He took in a breath before letting out a huge sigh, “masks. Remove them now please.”

Without saying anything else Tubbo and Ranboo removed the thin face masks from their faces so that their noses and mouths were now exposed. Next they removed the party city grade eye masks that looked suspiciously like a copycat of the umbrella academy masks and they were no doubt difficult to see in.

Now that his roommate’s whole faces were exposed, silence once again enveloped the three boys who just stared at each other.

“Sooo” Tommy drawled, “you wanna tell me why there is a journal detailing every patrol Favus and Lethe have done and poorly designed costumes under a floorboard in the bedroom along with a clearly used first aid kit in this apartment?”

“In our defence we thought you weren’t gonna find it.” Ranboo was quickly slapped by Tubbo who was still trying to keep up the tough act.

“And pray tell why would I not find it? You two literally hid it under a rug I vacuum every week. That floorboard was bound to shift around and alert me at one point.” Tommy snarked, sure it wasn’t one of his greatest comebacks but it was the best he could come up with at the moment.

The two in question just shrugged, they didn’t really think that far ahead to where they would actually have to tell Tommy about their other jobs.

“Look.” Tommy said with his gaze slowly losing the anger it held, “I’m not mad-”

“Please don’t say you’re disappointed, I will cry.” Ranboo joked, cutting Tommy off.

The blonde just sighed again, “I just wish you would have told me.” Tubbo could clearly see now how much of a toll this information was on Tommy and the guilt was practically eating him alive.

“I mean what if one day you got arrested and never came home!” Tommy yelled, throwing his arms up in the air.

“I would never know what happened to you guys! I would be alone again!” Tears were slowly falling down Tommy’s face.

“Or even worse, what if you died! I’d have to come back to an empty apartment everyday for the rest of my life knowing that it was right under my nose and I never knew.” Tommy was in hysterics and was sobbing.

“I can’t, I can’t lose you guys.” The blonde whispered. “And I know that sounds selfish but I need you guys.” 

This time Tubbo was the first to move, he stood from the chair to where Tommy was standing and immediately pulled him into a hug. Seconds later Ranboo joined.

“You’re not selfish, okay? We should have told you. We didn’t think about how this would affect you, if anything we were being selfish.” Tubbo reassured the latter. Tommy broke into a shaky smile as the trio disbanded from their hug.

“So we're good?” Ranboo asked.

Tommy nodded “yeah we’re good.” The two vigilantes simultaneously let out a sigh of relief.

“HOWever since we’re on the topic we really need to talk about your guy’s costumes. I mean it looks like you guys robbed the clearance aisle of a party city. Now I would put it past you but we really need to talk about the designs as well…...” 


My school's homecoming is on the 30th! It's more Halloween theme, I'm going as Niki. I might give yall some pics who knows

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