Chapter 60.

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"Mom! Dad! Please don't leave me! Please..."
"Shit! I'm freaking tired of this nightmare." Luz woke up sweating as Megan and Dan appeared as "small people" in front of Luz.

"Big day Luz!" Dan said to Luz as she put her hand on her forehead. "What's today about again?" Luz stood up as she was walking like a person who had no bones. "You're getting married to Amity!" Megan said as Luz turned back and looked at Megan, her eyes completely opened.

"Are you for real right now!? And the time is 8:03, I've skipped breakfast!" Luz said as she was hesitating but calmed down. "Oh, it's just 8. I can always show up late anyways." Luz lied down back on the bed, putting back her blanket slowly.

"Are you out of your mind right now? You're literally getting married to the person you love. This is a once in a lifetime stuff to ever happen to your life!" Megan said as she was pulling the blanket away from Luz. "Fine. Send Emira a message that she should tell Amity that we're getting married today, if she hasn't told her yet." Luz said as she put back her blanket.

"Alright. Message sent." Megan said as she looked at Luz. "Finally, time to sleep." Luz said as she snuggled more into the blanket, trying to make herself more comfortable.

"You're truly something else, Luz Noceda." Megan scoffed and folded her arms, as she smiled looking at this little child who had gone through pain, but still has little happiness.

"Amity, can I talk to you?" Emira said to Amity as she nodded her head. They both walked to Amity's room and Emira locked the door. "Is it so serious that you're locking the door?" Amity looked at Emira who was coming closer. "You're getting married to Luz at 2pm." Emira went straightforward and Amity's mouth was opened.

"MARRIED, TODAY!?" Amity said as she almost fainted, but not today friends. Not just today that she was going to faint. "Yeah, you're getting married to her today. I've already brought you a wedding gown. When you've finished trying it on, I'll check on you." Emira said as she opened the door and locked it back, waiting outside.

Amity stuffed the wedding gown at her face and was blushing. "We're getting married today huh... I can't wait. Luz must be getting ready by now."

"Luz! It's 12:34! At least, open an eye!" Dan shaked Luz legs as she opened her eye. "Hey Dan, what's up?" Luz said as Dan looked at her shocked. "Why are you looking like this!?" Dan said as Luz was confused. "Your skin is glowing and your eyes are red and blue!" Dan pointed at Luz who ran to the mirror as fast as she could.

"You're right! I look so... Handsome and Beautiful at the same time!" Luz touched her skin which was so soft. "Did I rub oil or something? I don't think I did though." Luz asked herself as she thought of it. "It's probably the work of Abel." Luz thought in her mind.

"It's already 12:55, Luz." Dan said looking at the clock. "Oh shit!" Luz ran to the bathroom and started to brush and have her bath and was looking for a suit.
Ring...ring... ring...

"Who's this?" Luz picked up and answered the call. "It's Emira. I need to talk to you." Emira said as Luz was shocked. "How did you get the chance to call me on your scroll and I have a phone and..." Luz asked as she was confused. "Oh, I have my ways. Anyways..."

Emira: "You can't see Amity in the meantime, until the main time you're like... supposed to meet her."

Luz: "Yeah, I know. That's like the thing about marriages. Isn't Edric organising this with you or something?"

Emira: "He is, he's calling the people that is to attend the wedding, and he's also organising the tables and chairs and the cooking. You can also call your friends if you want."

A bad but sad assassin who fell in love.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt