Chapter 37.

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"I love you more than anyone and anything Amity." Luz said as she held Amity's hand and looked at her softly. As tears fell down gently from Amity's eyes, Luz comforted her, like a mother who would comfort their baby to sleep.

As Amity had finished crying, Amity sat down properly. "I'm really sorry Luz." Amity said as she looked down and frowned. "What are you apologizing for?" Luz said as she was confused about what Amity was saying. "Your parents death, having someone betray you, killing someone that was innocent, having to drink blood, and you becoming an assassin."

As Amity said that last part, something triggered Luz. "Could you not repeat that?" Luz tried to look at her with a soft smile but it didn't work. "I'm sorry." Amity said looking more guilty. "How I wish I didn't know Amity. All these things won't be happening to her." Luz thought in her mind.

"You don't need to apologize Amity. I left you for 6 years, I didn't keep our promise. And I made you depressed and sad for 6 years straight just because of my death." Luz said to Amity sadly. "You know something?" Luz looked at Amity as she was looking at the stars "what Luz?"

"I'm actually very sad at this moment. Because I might die soon. And I might not come back." Luz said as she looked at the floor. Amity was surprised but still kept her cool. "Don't say that. Everybody does die, it's inevitable. But! That doesn't mean you should say that you might die soon Luz. A person, and a wise one at that, told me that you should have faith, and it might come to pass." Amity said as she looked at Luz, smiling softly.

And that person who told her that was Luz herself. "Thanks Amity. I'm happy that I met someone like you." Luz smiled at Amity which made her blush.

"Dan, it's obvious we aren't going to tell her, right?"

"Obviously, we will need to tell her sooner or later. But I want to see how this marriage drama is going to play out. Don't you want to see it, Megan?"

"I want to see it Dan. But we have to tell her sooner or later."

"This is like deja vu." Luz said as she lied down on the floor, winds blowing, a beautiful moon before her eyes, and the one person she loved most. "I agree Luz. I agree." Amity said, which she also did the same. "Let's play a game!" Amity said as the idea popped up into her head. "We'll tell each other our deepest darkest secrets." Amity said as she made a very scary face, which by anything, it wasn't scary to Luz.

"That's not a scary face Amity." Luz said as she laughed. "Then show me one! Hmph." Amity said as she pouted and crossed her arms. "Are you really sure Amity?" Luz said as she looked at Amity worried. "What? Are you a worrywart? I'll be fine!" Amity said proudly. "Well then, suit yourself." Luz said as she turned back and counted from 3.




Luz turned her face and Amity was scared and horrified. Luz eyes were removed, under her eyes were blood and her nails were long. "STOP!" Amity said as Luz turned back and it went back to her normal face. "I can't get that out of my head." Amity said as her eyes were widely opened.

"Here, let me help you with that..." Luz used her hand and put it on Amity's forehead and it had gone away. "How are you even able to do this- ?... Oh." Amity said as she quickly remembered and answered her own question.

"Well then, let's get onto the game! I actually have a way that no one can hear us. If you want to tell me one, you stretch out your hand and when I want to tell you one, you put your hand on my forehead." Luz said as Amity understood quickly and then, the game had started.

Amity started first and stretched out her hand. "One day, I actually insulted Edric and Emira because I was too angry at someone." Luz heard from Amity's mind which made her surprised. "My turn, my turn!" Luz said excitedly and Amity put her hand on Luz's forehead.

"Before my parents died, I actually tried to commit suicide because I was too tired of this life." Luz told Amity in her mind which made Amity frown.

"My mother made me cry." Amity said

"I was almost poisoned" Luz said

"I was embarrassed when I was in school." Amity said

"My neighbours accused me of their dog's death back on the human realm." Luz said

They had continued for a long, long, time. But did you realise that Luz's deepest darkest secrets were actually the very deepest darkest ones out of Amity's?

"Yours was even sadder than mine Luz." Amity said to Luz. "My life is like a story, it's just tragic, with drama up and down and it's going to finish when I die." Luz said as she looked to the floor.

They both kept quiet. "Shall we go to your room now? Edric and Emira should be waiting for you the same way Megan and Dan are waiting for me to come meet them too." Luz said as she stood up and was looking at Amity's room. "Yeah, we have been staying here for a long time. Let's go back." Amity said as she stood up.

Immediately Amity stood up, Luz carried her and tried the teleportation, which actually successfully worked. And they were both in Amity's room.

"Seems like the teleportation worked if your wifey is with you huh." Megan said as she smirked. "Wifey?" Luz said as she was confused but Amity was blushing like crazy.

"She's that dumb to understand?"

"She's that dumb to understand?"

A bad but sad assassin who fell in love.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora