Chapter 9.

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It was now morning, it was so bright that it was beautiful. Amity yawned, just waking up from her bed. "Wait, how did I come here..." Amity said while having flashbacks of what happened and she blushed. She put her hand on her forehead and it was a tad cold, knowing that Luz kissed her forehead. "Wait, did she... !?" Amity said while falling back to her bed, embarrassed.

She just couldn't get Luz out of her mind. To Amity, she's really charming and cool-headed. While Amity to herself, is just Little Miss Perfect. "Am I even good enough for her? Will she even accept to be my fiance?" She said to herself. "Mittens, what are you doing?" Edric and Emira said at the same time making Amity to fall from where she was.

"Bwah!" Amity said while hitting her head. "Don't scare me like that and knock next time!" Amity said. "We did knock, maybe you didn't hear us" Emira said confused. "Don't worry mittens! Everything will be fine, think positively, okay?" Edric said while putting his hands on her shoulder. "Huh, okay then..." Amity said in a low tone and they both left.

Amity sighed thinking about everything they had just told her. "Everything will be fine, huh?" Amity said to herself in a sad tone. "Don't you trust me?" Amity looked back and saw Luz on her window, coming into Amity's room. "What's with people scaring me today!?" Amity said loudly.

"Hey Amity, answer the question. Don't you trust me?" Luz said while using her hand to raise Amity's chin, making Amity to blush. "I don't even know you at all..." Amity said in a sad tone, removing Luz's hand from her chin. Luz gave off this face that had no emotion at all. Luz wasn't offended because it wasn't the first time she was told something like this.

Amity thought that she did something wrong, and she had put Luz in a bad situation. Luz just left without saying a single word. Amity wanted to say something but something in her told her that she shouldn't. "Way to go Amity. Way to go." Amity thought to herself. She sighed and got ready to go eat breakfast.

Luz on the other side, didn't have emotion. There was no rage, happiness, sadness, anger, none. She just walked away and went back to The Owl House. She ignored everyone she saw, even Eda. She just lied down on her bed and used her hand to cover her eyes and sighed. "I need to talk to her, but I'll need to do it later". Luz said to herself.

Amity had gone downstairs, greeted her father and greeted her mother. Her mother told her to sit down so that she can talk to her. Again. "Amity Blight" Odalia said in a stern voice "Yes Mother". Amity said in a calm voice but was scared and shaking actually. "So, I should trust that you already gotten a fiance by now?" Odalia said.

Amity sighed. "Yes Mother". Odalia looked at Amity "Well then, that's good. You can go now". Amity left and thought that the conversation between her and her mother was very short. She didn't mind that but still felt guilty about what she did to Luz.

Luz wanted to clear her mind and called Gus and Willow on a crystal ball asking them if they wanted to hang out and they said yes. Eda had given Luz some snails and even the fight that Luz had with Tony, the winner of each fight would be given snails and she got up to a hundred thousand of it.

Luz, Willow and Gus went to shops. Luz had bought some things for herself and even some for Amity, if she would even accept it. They really enjoyed that day but Gus and Willow went home early. Luz had gone farther into the woods but it was not really that far from The Owl House.

The wind blowing, the marvelous rhythms from the songs she was listening to on her phone, the sun setting slowly. That moment was just perfect. "I should go meet Amity and give her the things I bought her" Luz thought.

The sun was setting slowly and Amity thought that she won't even get to see Luz again after what she had done to her. She felt so guilty that she would completely understand if Amity even apologized to Luz and she wouldn't accept it.

It wasn't long that Luz went to the castle. It took her up to 7 minutes and everywhere was starting to look dark. "Will I even make it? Probably" Luz thought to herself. She climbed trees even jumped on rocks. "Do I really like Amity? Or even love her to be exact?" Luz said to herself while still running, making sure that her clothing won't get torn apart.

Amity was still having little hope in her but all of them were to be gone not long from now. Everywhere was already dark to the extent you could see the stars and the moon. She had lit up a candle in her room, for reading until she got tired.

"I'm almost there Amity! Wait for me!" Luz screamed and Amity heard a loud voice. She didn't hear the words exactly, but she heard a scream. Amity had turned back to sit down so that she can read.

Luz finally reached the castle and finally gave one more push to jump. She successfully landed in Amity's room. Amity looked back and was surprised. She stood up from her chair and ran to Luz.

"Hey Amit- Whoa!" Luz said, Amity jumped to hug her, which made Luz fall. "Did you really miss me?" Luz said in a calm voice patting Amity. Amity nodded and she was still crying like a baby. "There, there Amity, if you ever need me, just call for me and I'll always come to help you".

Hope you guys enjoyed this one! This even made me cry to be honest 😭

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