Chapter 47.

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"Why do you always sleep like this Amity?" Luz said as she laughed. "Aarghh" Amity said as she put her hand on her head and how tired she was. "Tired?" Luz asked and Amity nodded her head.

"Pour some water on your face. You should get some energy." Luz said as Amity stood up and yawned. Amity went to her bathroom and did exactly what Luz told her. Amity came out looking at Luz who was looking at the window Luz had opened.

Luz sighed and Amity looked at her worried. "What's wrong?" Amity said which gave Luz a scare. "Oh! Nothing is wrong Amity!" Luz said as Amity looked at her suspiciously. "Fine." Luz said as she crossed her arms.

"I'm thinking of meeting your parents and explaining to them what happened to me. Edric and Emira had made an illusion of you to trick your mother and father that time we both went to meet Eda." Luz said as she looked away sadly. "So?" Amity said as Luz kept on explaining. "I'm sure your father can understand but your mother is... Your father can even have a change of mind." Luz said as she looked at Amity.

"Well, I'll just go meet them right now." Luz said as she sighed as she changed her clothes, wearing the beanie that Amity gave her. "Well, wish me good luck. I have to lie to them now." Luz said as she sighed and teleported outside.

Luckily for Luz, the guards were sleeping so she jumped into the castle. She walked into the main door and knocked it. "Come in." Alador said as Luz came in.

"Sorry for the inconvenience." Luz said as Alador knew that voice from somewhere. He dropped his googles and saw Luz. "You aren't dead?" Alador said surprisingly as he jumped and fell on the floor. "Oh. Of course. The part as I'm dead." Luz thought to herself.

"Here, let me just do this." Luz said as she put her hand on his forehead and the memories started to enter his head. "Is that better now?" Luz said as Alador was looking at the floor. "I'm sorry Luz. That you had to go through all this." Alador said as Luz was confused. "Oh, it's no big deal! It's not the first time I've gone through something like this!" Luz said which made Alador get sadder.

"Apart from that, I can see that you came back to get Amity's hand in marriage?" Alador said which Luz was surprised and then knew that this was real business. "As you can see, of course sir." Luz said as she raised up her hands and sighed.

"Come on, let's go." Alador said as he was walking and Luz walked behind him. Alador stopped at one point and then attacked Luz with a knife. "Hey, what's with the sudden attack?" Luz said as her eyes turned black. "Oh nothing. Let's keep on walking." Alador said as Luz's eyes turned back to normal. "Huh, this man is pretty interesting." Luz thought to herself.

"We're here." Alador said as Luz wasn't really surprised. "It's the same place where I met both you and..." Before Luz could finish her sentence, Odalia came and finished it from her. "And Odalia. Who's this?" Odalia said as Luz turned back.

Odalia's eyes widened and Luz was so happy to meet her. "Oh ma'am! It's so great to meet you for such a long time!" Luz said as Odalia moved back. "Stay back you monster! How did you come back alive!?" Odalia said as Luz looked at her seriously. "Could you not call me a monster?" Luz said as she smiled which looked very terrifying. "Oh, of course. Wait, let me just do this..." Luz said as she did the same thing she did for Alador.

Odalia looked up at Luz and started crying. "Ma'am! Are you okay!?" Luz said as she held Odalia's hands. "I can't believe you did all this for Amity." Odalia said as she cleaned her eyes. Odalia said as she cleaned her eyes and gave a signal to both of them to sit down.

"So, I should know that you came here for Amity?" Odalia said as Luz became surprised but gave off a very fun mood towards Odalia and Alador. "Of course ma'am!" Luz said as she raised her hands. "You already know that she's getting married tomorrow right? To William, one of the contestants out of the three that remained." Odalia said.

"Oh, yes! I heard." Luz said as she smiled which annoyed her. "You left your former fiance for 6 years, why should I give you her hand in marriag-" before she could finish her sentence, Luz cut her off. "Sorry for cutting you off, but if exactly I left her for 6 years, didn't I still come back? And also by anything, I asked for her forgiveness which she gladly accepted. Of course she told me that she was desperate of my death, but since I came back, she changed." Luz said as she smiled.

"Shouldn't we just call off this marriage between William and Amity dear?" Alador said as Odalia slammed the table which made Luz surprised. "I'm not going to lie to anyone around here. I'm going to tell both of you the truth and nothing else but the truth." Luz said as Alador was listening along with Odalia.

"Megan, tell Amity that I'm not going to lie to them anymore because if I do, it would cause more consequences." Luz told Megan which Megan passed on the message to Amity.

"So, let me begin. First of all, I've seen Amity after since I woke up from my death. And let me introduce you to someone who was 'forcing' me to almost kill Amity. Dan, come out." Luz said as Dan came out from nowhere which gave Odalia and Alador a surprise.

"This person you can see almost make me kill Amity. But instead, I stabbed myself and he has been completely forgiven. You can go now Dan." Luz said as he left. "So far that I've talked to Amity, it doesn't look like she wants to get married to someone like William, but someone like me." Luz said as Odalia said.

"What nonsense! Amity has said with her mouth that she would marry him!" Odalia said as Luz was surprised but not the least.

Well Amity, do you want to see what's going on?

"Yes please Megan."

Megan showed Amity a circle that could make her see what was going on.

"Well, that's because she couldn't deny you! If she did, won't both of you become upset? She loves both of you very much, that she couldn't even try to think of denying you, that's why she accepted such!" Luz said as Alador looked at Odalia. "If she didn't want to do so, she can say it!" Odalia screamed at Luz.

"That's because she's afraid! She doesn't want both of you to think of her as a disappointment, that's why she's like this! The way I might be speaking towards you might be wrong but what I'm saying is truth and the truth is painful! I've gone through something that none of you people would understand, and so as Amity experienced such because you didn't know what was going on in her life!"

"As parents of Amity Blight, you should at least pay attention to her, ask her if anything wrong is going on in her life, if she wants something or not- ! See, can I explain something to both of you?" Luz said as she calmed down a little.

"See, I've gone through so much pain and have so many tragic memories. There was this one time in the human realm that people had told me to raise up my shirt. They injected a green liquid in both of my ribs, and I can't feel a thing in my ribs. I have scratches almost everywhere on my body because of how life treated me. At a very young age, I always thought of committing suicide, even till this day. I was betrayed by the person I loved with my life. And the person who betrayed me turned out to be the killer of my parents. Can't you just see? I'm telling both of you all this so that such things won't happen to Amity. If I've gone through such tragic moments, won't you try to at least prevent such things away from Amity?" Luz said as she frowned which made Alador frown too.

"If I can't at least take her hand in marriage, can't she at least be protected by her parents the right way? She has suffered too much and I can't just tolerate such painful things she has suffered. If you conceived such child and care for her, can't you show more love and affection towards her?" Luz said as a tear fell from Odalia's eyes.

"Even apart from all this, I'm openly and asking both of you to allow me to cancel this marriage, because this is the one thing that Amity is suffering. Let me, Luz Noceda, take it instead." Luz said which made Alador start crying and for Odalia to look at her seriously. "Well I can-" Before Odalia could finish her sentence, someone came into the room unexpectedly. Someone you would never expect to see. Everyone's eyes opened widely, even Amity's too.

"Well, look at the whole family! Such a marvelous thing to see huh!"

A bad but sad assassin who fell in love.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя