Chapter 35.

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"Amity! Amity! Can we come inside your room?" Edric said as he knocked Amity's door. Luz left Amity's hug and started panicking. "Uh... What should I do Megan, Dan!?" Luz said to them and they both heard her. "What if you just turned invisible?" Dan thought of an idea. "Wait, I can do that!?" Luz said that to Dan. "Actually no." Dan said which made Luz angry but more panicked.

"Luz, calm down. At least they'll be able to see you and help us to convince my mother and father. Oh and also, they'll talk to you for sure." Amity said quietly. Amity looked at the door and told them to come in. Before they had came inside, Luz remembered that when she was dead, Megan said she can change her hair colour and eye colour. Luz changed her hair to red and her eyes to blue.

Edric and Emira looked at Amity. "Are you still okay now, Amity?" Edric came to her hugging her. "I'm okay guys." Amity said as she hugged Edric back. "But who's that?" Emira said as she pointed to Luz. "Me?" Luz said as she looked around. "Yes. You." Emira said and Edric stood up looking at Luz.

"Oh, she definitely needs some help." Megan said which Dan nodded his head in agreement. They both entered the room at the same time. "Intruders!" Emira said as Edric and Emira made three illusions to capture all three of them and the illusions held three of their hands.

"Did they hurt you Amity!?" Emira said as she looked around Amity's body. Amity looked at them with disappointment.

"Should we just finish them?" Megan said to Luz. "I agree fully. We should just finish them." Dan said to Luz. "Wait." Luz said in a very serious tone which made Dan and Megan shut up. "Wait, don't kill them! They're my siblings!" Amity said as Megan and Dan misunderstood Amity but finally understood.

"Geez, could you just stop whatever you're doing?" Amity said to Luz who sighed. "Sheesh fine." Luz said as she changed it back to her original hair and eye colour. "And here I thought they would notice me. Tch" Luz said to herself but the twins heard her loud and clear but we're very surprised.

"How-how- how did you return back-?" Edric asked Luz. "Megan, Dan, can you explain to them? I've already explained to Amity I'm tired" Luz said to Dan and Megan who nodded and Luz sighed and went behind Amity and rested on her legs as Amity patted her head.

"So, I'm Luz's subconsciousness, Megan. And this person here is Dan, Luz's rage and anger. So, Luz is a human, but isn't a normal one to be exact. Her Mother and Father were killed in front of her eyes and she seeked vengeance. Eda the Owl Lady then adopted her and tricked her because Eda was actually the killer. Eda and her sister was working for the former Emperor Belos and since Lilith was getting more credit, Eda tricked Luz to kill her own blood sister. And this happened..." Megan started to explain but Luz cut her off.

"Instead of explaining it to them, let me just do this so that your mouth won't run dry..." Luz went close to both of them and use both of her index fingers on each hand to put on their forehead. They saw everything. But obviously, she removed her moments with Amity. Edric and Emira looked at Luz and then frowned.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. My life is a tragic story. And the story is very sad." Luz said to Edric and Emira who started crying and hugged Luz. "I never knew *sniff that someone *sniff could ever *sniff suffer like this!" Emira said to Luz and Edric just kept on crying.

"But I never knew that you loved blood." Amity said which Emira and Edric stepped back quickly. "Haha"  Luz said as she scratched her neck. Luz started to feel somehow. "Uh oh. Luz, it's time." Dan said to Luz. "Are you serious bruv?" Luz said in a very dizzy tone. "I need it..." Luz said as she was suffocating. "Luz! What do you need!?" Amity said as she started getting very worried.

"I can't bare to lose Luz again. I need to help her." Amity thought in her mind. "Blood!" Luz looked around for anybody who she could take blood from. And then she saw Amity. "Nuh uh Luz. Not your girlfriend." Dan said as Luz bit his hand but he didn't feel any pain at all. As you would expect from someone's rage and anger. If Megan did so, Megan wouldn't feel pain at all.

Dan looked at Megan and gave her a signal. "Ugh, fine. Who wants to give blood to this Avery sad creature who is suffering and about to die?" Megan said as she pointed to Luz who was suffocating and was seeing the same things people who are high see.

"I'll do it." Amity said to Megan. "Amity..." Emira said to Amity. "Well, isn't this just a turn of events huh." Edric said which made Emira punch him in the stomach. It wasn't hard, it wasn't soft. "Well that was painful!" Edric said as he whined.

"So, could you two close your eyes for some time?" Megan said as she pointed at Emira and Edric. They immediately did so and Megan looked at Amity. "Give me your hand." Megan said as Amity stretched out her hand. Megan cut off on of her fingers and Dan immediately covered Amity's mouth because she was obviously going to scream.

A container appeared on Megan's hand. And she squeezed the blood out of the finger. She gave the blood to Luz which Luz immediately drank. And Megan healed Amity's finger.

Amity calmed down and cupped Luz's cheek. "Amity's blood so sweet...." Luz said which made Amity blush like crazy. Amity fell and Luz fell down too because she needed to rest.

"So can we open our eyes now?"

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