Chapter 17: Preparing for the special day.

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It was deathly quiet after Kolvian and my other pack members left. They couldn't help it though, after all they too have responsibilities and jobs they have to complete. As usual it did not surprise me that my Kit had recovered over night, especially falling asleep with the rest of his pack.

I am startled away from my thoughts as a small yawn racketed through the pack room along with a small whine. I turned my head towards the lump next to me laughing as my Kits' eyes were on me, as if questioning what I was up to. "I'm just doing a little work on my data pad." His small head turned to the side whilst he giggled, reaching up to me.

As I lifted him up his tongue made its way to the fur on my hand. The little monster was grooming my fur, without me even realising what he was doing. How adorable that is.

I placed him into my lap causing him to whine further, so I placed my hand back onto his lap, chuckling as he continued what he was doing previously. I then continued to write on my data pad about the past few weeks.

I know I was supposed to be working but what Kolvian does not know, can not hurt him.

As if the goranrs (Galran version of Gods, no idea, just made it up) heard my thoughts, Kolvian came into the room Beaming with a smile. "I see our young one is awake and better?" I nod my head chuckling. "And the medbay?" I continue to chuckle "Acama is in the medbay, we traded days off" he nods his head "So you'll be in the medbay on Tarnik (Tuesday)?" I nod my head as he places his hand onto his head. "You are aware of what the date is right?" I place my hand onto my Kits head and think for a moment "1st October, right?" he nodded as if I remembered what was significant about Tarnik. That day is the 5th right? What is happening on the 5th? "We are supposed to go shopping for Keiths' Barianic (Birthday)." Oh no... that's is what we were supposed to remember "Well looks like i will have to go to work after all." I move swiftly walking towards the door before handing my Kit to my Mate. "He had his last feeding around 35 minutes ago, he was half asleep and fed for around 15 minutes, he shouldn't need feeding for at least another half an hour." I make my way towards the medbay.

"What are you doing back here mister?" I hear Acama asked. "I am unable to come in next Tarnik... we are going shopping for my Kits birthday that is in a few weeks." He shook his head "You should have just messaged me, take both days off, today and Tarnik..." I was shocked at what he had said "Are you sure?" He chuckles before nodding his head "You are looking after your Kit, no way on Zarkon am I not letting you take extra time off, I may need a little help when there are the rush days from the extra missions, apart from that you can take more time off if you need it." I nod my head whilst smiling. "Thank you... I must be off now, my mate is probably pulling his own hair out by now."

As I make my way towards The pack room, I hear the little cries of my Kit, which causes me to speed up my pace as to get there in a shorter time. Upon opening the door I find that my mate is sat with the Kit on his lap. "Would you like a little help love?" I ask. He looks up with a pout on his face, "I do not know what is wrong with him, he was ok up until the time you left..." he sighs in defeat.

Chuckling again I pick up my fussy kit and place him onto my lap, "what is wrong with you little one?" I ask, not expecting an answer due to his age. He only sniffles in response, whilst cuddling further into my side. "I'll take that as an, I am not sure myself?" I ask again resulting in the same response.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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