Chapter 14: A sick Cub

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Flashback from previous chapter....


I wake up to my mate humming to out cub. I continue to pretend to be asleep however, a small sneeze makes me open my eyes. I smile at my mate as he finished the song he was humming. I lean over to my mate and place a kiss onto his forehead, after telling him what a lovely song it was. I then get up carefully so I don't wake up our son and walk towards the bathroom after picking out some clothes. After getting changed I walk out of the room, towards the medbay where I presume Ulaz is.

Once there I got some medicine for the headache I have currently. This is natural though, as I have just begun lactation again for my kit. It should only last a day or two.

i flinch as a hand snakes its way around my waist. I turn to find it is Kolvian. Laughing I punch him in the shoulder "D-Don't do that" he laughs with me before uncovering our kit from the harness he was using to carry him. "hello little one, how are you?" he giggles and stretches his arms out towards me.

I pull him towards myself and prop him against my chest with my arms. "is someone hungry?" I say whilst he continues to babble, whilst dribbling on my hand. I nod my head towards Kolvian to say I was going to the linked nursery so he can get used to the other Kits. I slowly walk out of the medbay so I don't scare Keith. It seems strange to call him such, when I am used to calling him my Kit or by the name I gave him but i do much prefer the name Keith. It sounds more like a warriors name.

Once I arrived I walked towards the other pairs and sat with them as they stared out of curiosity before I unwinded the bundle of joy that was hiding in the fur of my arms. Their eyes softened almost instantly. "Your son?" I hear one of the other blades ask. I nod my head with a smile on my face. He begins to whine so i unwrap my suit so he can have something to drink causing soft purrs of content to erupt from his small figure. He slowly snuggles into me as he continues to purr causing the other blades to aww and laugh at the actions, before tending to their own Cubs.

Back to the chapter


My cub began to fuss a little, causing me to check for any discomforts only to find he had detached and in one swift movement he was back feeding once again purring happily. "First time raising a cub?" One of the mums asks me causing me to shyly nod my head. Well technically it's not my first time handling him like this, but I now get to raise him myself, so it does feel as though it is my first time caring for him in such manner.

Once he has fallen into slumber i unlatch him and place him into his sling that is lying beside me. I say one last goodbye to the other parents and go to get something to eat. I hadn't eaten yet due to me only just having woken up and feeding my cub.


Knowing my mate would be hungry I get some for him along with some food for myself and make my way to the table we usually sit at.

After a few Ticks my mate and cub made their way into the canteen, Antok spotting me and walking over thanking me for getting food for him also. He ate quickly and made his way towards the med bay, something about having a headache. I finish my food and make my way towards the training rooms to help some of the younger Blades train.

I have a number of them training for their trials, meaning I need to be as strict as possible knowing they will go through something so harsh they may loose their own lives. It's been so long though since I have had to raid such a young Cub that I have little knowledge or maybe just can not remember such teachings. After all it has been many, how would the humans say it? Years? Since I have been a cub myself. "Sir...Sir..." I hear someone call out as I lift my head up. I hadn't noticed my head had lowered at all. "Are you ok sir?" I nod my head as I start to make my way to the young blades.


I was back in the Med bay now but my cub had begun to whimper softly. I lift him out of the sling to find that he is running a little fever. Which is not surprising with the number of changes to the environment he has been in. I softly change him out of the Wasa-Suit and Viesta (baby grow and vest not sure what everyone calls them but that's what we call them where I live).

*These are the baby grow vest he was wearing*

*These are the baby grow vest he was wearing*

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Anyways back to Antok's POV

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Anyways back to Antok's POV

Once I had changed him into a medical gown he seemed to be a little happier but still uncomfortable. I then placed him into one of the bassinet so I can attach the scanner to evaluate him properly before jumping to any treatment. After all many kits have died from mistreatments. After all Kits can be very fragile at times. Actually most of the time, so I do not in any way want to even spark even the slightest chance of my Cub becoming ill any further.

"Status report ready to be viewed" I hear the voice of the scanner unit. I walk over to see the screen.

Medical Status Report...
-Large levels of Stress
-Fever caused by stress levels

Suggested support for patient...
-Nap with Pack mates to reduce stress levels
-Ice pack and heat pad for Fever
-Because of age, medicine not advised as the patient needs to build up his immune system.
-regular 2-3 feeds every varga, suggested 30 Dobash due to Dehydration.


Thank goodness he has not contracted any Galran viruses, I fear shall he contract any he would not survive. But I am glad we are able to cure him so easily. I pull out my pad so I can message Regris to inform Kolvian, Ulaz and the rest of the pack of my Cubs latest medical condition and how we are able to help him. Within a few Ticks everyone is messaging me to ask of his well-being and when they should come to the nest. Laughing I pick my cub up and make my way to the nest.

You are going to be ok my Cub...

kit Keith 2.0Where stories live. Discover now