Chapter 13: A second chance

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I woke up to hear someone purring, which confused me. I opened my eyes as wide as they could with sleep causing my eyes to be delicate to the light.

I looked down as memories come flooding in of yesterdays events. My Kit, My Kit is the one making the purring sounds. How adorable he is at that. I look over to the clock to find it is still fairly early to get up so I buttoned up my suit to the best I could and wiped my Kit's face of the excess Conar he had dribbled out in his sleep.

After having done so, I pick up one of the stray blankets I keep outside our nest and wrap my kit in it to keep him warm. He may have fur, but he is still much too small to regulate his own body heat yet. Once I was happy with how I had wrapped him up I placed him in between me and my mate before falling asleep myself.

*5 hours later*


I woke up to babbling and something or someone, squirming on my stomach. I instantly recognised the someone as my Kit. I placed my hand onto his head and began to brush through his head fur with my claws, carefully as not to harm his delicate skin.

However, before i have the chance to begin grooming him, he became fussy. I slowly lift him, as to not wake my mate and place him into my lap as I slowly begin to rock him side to side, whilst humming a lullaby my Packmates used to sing to me when I was a young cub myself.

*the lullaby is at the top of the chapter so feel free to listen to it... ;)*

as I began to hum he slowly stopped his crying as his large purple orbs stared up at me. His tears still streaming but he was silent. I slowly wipe his cheeks as he began to try to get his hands free and placed my hand onto his cheek as he slowly placed his head further onto my palm, as i began to rock him once again. He continued to stare as I continued to hum, neither of us making a noise to disturb the gently melody.

Moments later, he curled into my chest and continued to stare up at me, as I continued to rock my cub his eyes began to slowly close as the lullaby continued. He looked so peaceful as his soft snores had begun.

Looking at him reminded me so much of my birth mother. He was also a gentle person. He had the reflexes of a Snoraoxs (a python like creature), yet he was as soft as a Kittenok (a Galran kitten).


"is my little Cub fussy?" i looked up as my mother spoke. I was then lifted into the air and placed into his arms. I continued to cry as she had begun to hum something. It was a noise that was so peculiar, I couldn't help but to be curious. Causing my cries to cease, as a smile made its way onto my face.

I wrapped my fingers around the fabric he was wearing as a yawn escaped my mouth. I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. Ticks later, falling asleep.

*end of flashback*

I was brought back to reality as a small sneeze left the figure sleeping next to me. I had finished the song as my mate woke up smiling. "what a lovely song" He leans over and kisses me as he began to get up, carefully to avoid waking the young one up who I had just gotten back to sleep.

Compared to myself and my mate our Kit needs three times as much sleep. meaning he would need a large sleep at night and many naps during the day. We did not mind though, because we were finally getting to raise our own cub. we get a second chance at giving him the childhood he needs.


I wake up to my mate humming to out cub. I continue to pretend to be asleep however, a small sneeze makes me open my eyes. I smile at my mate as he finished the song he was humming. I lean over to my mate and place a kiss onto his forehead, after telling him what a lovely song it was. I then get up carefully so I don't wake up our son and walk towards the bathroom after picking out some clothes. After getting changed I walk out of the room, towards the medbay where I presume Ulaz is.

Once there I got some medicine for the headache I have currently. This is natural though, as I have just begun lactation again for my kit. It should only last a day or two.

i flinch as a hand snakes its ay around my waist. I turn to find it is Kolvian. Laughing I punch him in the shoulder "D-Don't do that" he laughs with me before uncovering our kit from the harness he was using to carry him. "hello little one, how are you?" he giggles and stretches his arms out towards me.

I pull him towards myself and prop him against my chest with my arms. "is someone hungry?" I say whilst he continues to babble, whilst dribbling on my hand. I nod my head towards Kolvian to say I was going to the linked nursery so he can get used to the other Kits. I slowly walk out of the medbay so I don't scare Keith. It seems strange to call him such, when I am used to calling him my Kit or by the name I gave him but i do much prefer the name Keith. It sounds more like a warriors name.

Once I arrived I walked towards the other pairs and sat with them as they stared out of curiosity before I unwinded the bundle of joy that was hiding in the fur of my arms. Their eyes softened almost instantly. "Your son?" I hear one of the other blades ask. I nod my head with a smile on my face. He begins to whine so i unwrap my suit so he can have something to drink causing soft purrs of content to erupt from his small figure. He slowly snuggles into me as he continues to purr causing the other blades to aww and laugh at the actions, before rending to their own Cubs.

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