chapter 3: the blood test

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Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, which there will be cause like 😂I'm writing this while I do my online sessions so,

Your author
Jess xx

"you needed me princess?" i look at Coran with a serious face "i want a blood test" he looks angry... why is he angry with me? im only trying to protect everyone is that so bad? "oh princess i am disappointed... but if this helps the child, i will help." i go on the coms "Shiro will you bring Keith from the dungeon please" i hear a yes in response "thank you Shiro."

i will get to the bottom of who he is... i would allow Zarkon himself to kill me shall anything happen to my new team!! "Allura we need to go to the medical bay" it was Coran. i nod my head and we walk towards the bay. it was then we heard shouting "you promised... but you are nothing but a liar!!!" along with Shiro holding a thrashing Keith. "can we sedate him?" Shiro asks and i nod my head. we walk into the medical room and Shiro holds Keith still as Coran gets the sedative. "no dont bring that thing near me!!!" he shouts and begins to thrash even more "please ill be good... i wont be naughty any more" Coran brought the sedative closer to him before Shiro grabbed his hand. "whats wrong Shrio?" he looks conflicted before answering us "nothing... sorry i kind of blocked out there." he grabs keith and holds him even firmer, meaking him still. it was then i noticed he wasnt thrashing anymore, but shivering. he was shivering in fear. Coran brings the needle close and he tries to get away from it "please... dont hurt me." he looked terrified "i must make sure tht you are not a threat to my team... will you be a good boy and let coran use the sedetiev so we know you wont try anything?" he looks at the needle terrified before nodding his head and looking away. "thats a good boy... your ok."Shiro says suprising both me and Coran. as Keith begins to drift off i question him about what he just said to Keith. "theres no need to be alarmed Princess that is how we calm down our young ones"

wait Shiro just said young ones? "what do you mean young ones" he looks at me before chuckling "well humans usually live up to 150 (want to add salt onto the burn later muhahah) and Keith looks to be abround 15,16 so we would concider him one of our young chilren... just a child." wait just a child? "Coran just a question... was he fed by anyone since yesterday?" Coran looks at the fllor before shaking his head "i brought him some food this morning and checked n hour later and he was sleeping, but he hadnt touched the food." so he hasnt eaten since... the paladins arrived early the... he hasnt eaten in 2 days... i have tried to keep up with the times the paladins use. "he hasnt eaten in 2 days." Shiro looked at me with a shocked face "that is not healthy.. he could get sick." Coran got the needle that we can use to take his blood and took blood from Keith and prepared it for the machine. "once he wakes up get some food in his system." Coran nodded his head. "if he is just a child it would be ok to leveve him in the louge right while he sleeps?" i question and Shiro shrugs his shoulders. "it depends on what he has been thorugh... some of our children act out of agression, whilst some are as sweet as honey." what is... not the time to ask what honey is. "take him to the lounge and Lance can watch him."

Shiro walks out of the room with Keith.


i pick Keith up and take him to the lounge walking to Lance's room first. "Lance could you meet me in the lounge please." i get a hum in response as i set out for the lounge. once there it only takes a few moments for Lance to arrive "what do you need Shiro?" i place Keith down on the sofa "could you watch Keith for me please... i need to keep looking for the other lions and Allura is busy." he looks at me before walking out of the room and coming back with what looks like an Altean version of a tablet. "yeah ill watch him." he finally answers whilst sitting down on the sofa opposite Keith. "ahh i see my daugher has finally let the child out." we turn around and find Alfor. "yes.. we have just done a blood test, however we had to sedate him first." He looks sad before nodding his head.


poor boy being sedated... i cant imagine how scared he was, i still can not believe she would lock a child in the dungeon. i walk up to the sofa and sit down next to the child. suddnly the boy begins to move around and shake... i pick him up and start combing my hands through his hear, as that helped me calm Allura when she was younger. "shhh its ok young one... your ok i have you" he turns in his sleep and his eyes peek open "s...hiro?" he looks dissapointed when he finds it is I and not Shiro. "your not Shiro." hr simply states "no young one... i can get him though if you want?" he shakes his head "there is no point he doesn't remember me." poor child... "how about we get you something to eat your belly has been rumbling for quite a while now." i pick him up and bring him to the kitchn he struggled at first telling me to put him down but i finally got him to the kitchen. "Hunk... that was your name right? will you make Keith here something to eat hes hungry?" he nods his head before returning moments lter with a plate of goo. Keith moves his head away "no" he refused to eat it. "i know it looks a little strange but we are unable to go to the market at this current time so well have to make due with what we have." he begins to eat it with a sour face.

"see it wasnt that bad was it?" he looked at me with a digusted face "it tasted like rottern yougert with berries." i laugh causing him to pout. "its not funny" i laugh again causing him to begin laughing with me.

how can someone think a chil so innocent is a spy?

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