Haters to Lovers (Wanda Maximoff)

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Requested by @marvelhotties

This will be written using she/her pronouns. The characters best friends are Thor and Carol. Wanda's best friend is Nat and her boyfriend is Vision. Your powers are manipulation and movement of objects.

Y/n's Pov

Tony called us downstairs to prepare for a mission. Tony: okay thank you for coming we will have 3 groups Nat, Carol, Vision, Rhodes and Thor Me, Yelena, Steve Bucky, Clint and Peter and Y/n and Wanda and Bruce will be here watching from cameras and everyone will have earpieces. Fuck out of everyone I am stuck with her. She is a bitch but she is hot. Tony: we will be securing stolen vibrianium. Nat and Y/n you will be driving the quin jet everyone else we will spilt up and secure the stolen Vibrianium. We all got our suits on and got into the quin jet. When everyone got in we flew to the location and everyone got out. Leaving me and Wanda alone.

Fuck she looked so hot in that suit I wish I could see her without it. Wanda: what are you staring at my eyes are up here. Out of all the people on the team I get stuck with her. I was looking at the controls dickface why on earth would I be staring at you. Wanda looked kind off upset with my response but i just brushed it off. Why did I want to fuck her she is literally the only person on the team I don't like everyone else is perfectly likeable but she is just a bitch. Nat over coms: get ready have secured it. I started up the engines and a couple of minutes later everyone boarded the plane and we headed back to the compound.

We arrived and everyone headed to get showers. I got a shower even though I wasn't doing a lot on the mission. I was the last one to get showered because I waited until everyone on the mission had got their showers first. I got undressed and headed into the showers. I started lathering the shampoo into my hair. It took me ages to get all of my hair washed because it is that long and thick but I wouldn't have it any other way. After I had finished my shower I got out of the shower and looked for my towels and my clothes but they were not were I left them. I looked around the locker rooms and I couldn't find them anywhere.

Wanda's Pov

When we got back from the mission everyone but y/n went to go get showers. I waited in Nat's room. When Nat finally finished her shower she came back to her room. Nat: what the fuck are you doing in my room? I was waiting for you,also were is y/n? Nat: she is in the shower why? I am going to go steal her clothes and towels. Nat: oop someone has a crush. You are so immature Nat. I headed to the locker rooms and stole y/n's clothes and towels. I can't wait to see her walk out naked. I headed into the meeting room to wait for y/n to look for her clothes. Everyone is seating waiting for me and y/n. Carol: what are you doing with y/n's clothes? I have taken her clothes so she will come looking for them.

Come on wise up I know half of you would love to date y/n and I know you want to see her naked. I hear footsteps so I sit down and wait to see y/n naked.

This will be a mini series

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