Unzipped~ N.R Part 2

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Your Pov

детка = baby



Wanda: I am gonna leave now, I am really tired so I am going to try and get some sleep. Nat: okay bye wands see you later. Bye wands. Wanda left Nat's room. This left me and Nat alone in her room. She looks so beautifull even after she has been crying.

Nat: will you stay with me tonight? Yes of course I will, but I am going to get changed first. Nat: you can borrow some of my clothes if you want but you don't have to. She doesn't realise how happy that makes me. No I wouldn't mind borrowing your clothes.

I grabbed a pair of her shorts and a t-shirt then I started to get undressed. I noticed Nat looking at me weirdly. I hope that I haven't made her feel uncomfortable. I'm sorry I will go change in the bathroom. Nat: no I am not bothered by you getting changed.

But why were you looking at me like that? Nat: its just you never get changed in front of anyone on the team and you haven't since we both joined. Oh I just don't want them to see my scars. Nat: why aren't you bothered by me seeing your scars?

I thought that it would be obvious. Nat you were forced to watch me get some of them and the ones you didn't see me getting you tended to them for me because no one else would. Nat: oh that makes more sense now, but I still can't believe how bad we are both still scarred both mentally and physically. I started getting dressed again.

Well we took it down so no more girls would have to go through the program like us and so many others had to. Nat: I suppose, but thousands still went through that program. I finished getting dressed. Nat we can't help what they did to them. Nat: I know, its just what Nick said earlier.

That only just hit me now. Dreykov made us strip for him when we were in the red room, sometimes it would be in front of the hole dorms or just for him. Doing it for just him was worse because he would always get exactly what he wanted from us. He always called us his strippers.

Hey its okay, don't rely on men they suck and they always let you down. Nat burst into tears. What is wrong детка? Nat: men. What do you mean? Nat: Steve cheated on me with Bucky. Xуй. I kissed Nat on the forehead. Its something that we used to do when we were both younger.

But I did tell you that he was fruity a long time ago. Nat: you did and you are right. See I told you right as always. Nat: you are not always right Y/n. Prove me wrong then Tasha. Nat: well you have always said that I am straight. That is right, but I have only said that to her face behind her back we all know that she is fruity.

Nat: well you are wrong about that. Well how are you going to prove that. Nat: I have a lesbian/your sexuality pride flag on the wall. Where? She pointed to a picture of me from when we first joined the avengers. That isn't enough proof Tasha.

Nat: right then I will give you some more proof. She straddled me and wrapped her arms around me. My breath hitched. Wow she looks even more beautiful when she is closer to me. She placed her hands in my hair. And then she kissed me with so much passion.

The kiss wasn't short. It was long and full of passion. Natasha let go of my head, but she was still straddling me. Wow I wasn't expecting that but I have one compliant, why didn't you do it sooner? Nat: I was to scared. Wow I really wasn't expecting her to say that.

Really the famous Natasha Romanoff was too scared to kiss her best friend. I pushed her legs off me and on to the bed. When she was laying on the bed it was my turn to get on top of her. Nat: who can blame me you are very hot. Well thank you Tasha.

Nat: what are you gonna do to me, because I doubt that you are going to do nothing. All depends on you принцесса, what do you want? Nat: I want you. I am going to need your consent then принцесса. Nat: you have my full consent Y/n.

Okay принцесса, what is your word? Nat: red. Okay принцесса just say it when it is too much. Nat: yes детка. I pulled my top over my head and then I did the same with Nat's. Then I slowly removed her shorts and then mine.

There was a knock on the door. Oh shit. Get under the covers quick and pretend that you didn't hear the door. Nat: okay. We both got under the covers quickly. Nick: I am sorry Natasha I shouldn't of said that to you. Well its a bit late now don't you think.

Nat: well you said it and I can't forget that. Nick: I give up with you. ?: apologise properly now. Nick: but I did. Me and Nat started to get dressed. ?: no you didn't now do it again, properly this time. We both finished getting dressed so we answered the door.

Nat: I don't forgive you but I will consider it. Nick: thank you Nat. Wait Wanda why are you standing down the corridor? Nick walked away. Wanda: no reason. Wait did she make Nick apologise to Nat? Wanda did you make him apologise to Nat?

Wanda: yes I did make him apologise because he was being a dick earlier. Nat hugs Wanda: thank you Wands that means a lot to me. Wanda: that is what friends are for. Wanda do you want to watch some movies with me and Nat?

Wanda: sorry I can't Vision wants me to do some stupid thing with him. Nat: Wands what do you mean? Wanda: he has been acting strange, and he won't tell me what he wants to do tonight. Nat: if you need us tonight just open the door. Wanda: okay thank you.

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Considering turning this into a story.

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