Wounded (Natasha Romanoff)

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This story will be written using she/her pronouns.

Y/n's Pov

We are just back from a fight. I have lots of wounds all over my arms, legs and back. I am sitting looking at my reflection in the locker room mirror. I here someone walk into the room. Nat: hey y/n its just me. Oh okay. Nat walks over to me and looks at my wounds I can see the worry in her eyes. Nat: hey would you mind if I cleaned your wounds? No I was actually just about to ask. Nat: okay I will just go grab the first aid kit.

Nat comes back with a first aid kit in her hand. She sets it down and gets rubbing alcohol out of it. Nat: this is going to hurt. Okay I am ready. Nat cleaned my wounds so carefully she blows on them so they don't hurt to much. She starts working on the biggest one on my leg. FUCK that hurts. Nat: I am sorry but I have to clean it so it doesn't get infected. Nat finished cleaning the wounds then she wrapped them with bandages. I sat down on the bench. Nat returned the first kit to its place.

Then she sat down beside me. She moved closer to me until she couldn't be any closer. Nat: do you wounds feel better now? Yes they do thank you so much for doing that. Nat: no problem it wasn't hard. This girl is going to be the death of my she is breathing on my neck I am trying my best to contain myself. I inch closer to her until our faces are only centimetres apart. We make eye contact the eye contact doesn't end.

We get closer until our faces are touching. I put my hands around her head and we kiss. Her tongue invades my mouth leaving no corner unexplored. Our tongues fight for control. We break the kiss only to breath. That was the best few seconds of my life. Nat: are you ready for round 2 y/n? The real question is are you ready for round 2 Romanoff. Nat: ooh someone enjoyed that. Nat pulls me into another kiss. This kiss is more passionate than the last. While she is busy exploring my mouth yet again I start running my fingers through her hair.

Her hands find there way down my head down past my neck and down to my back she lifts me off the bench. I get onto my feet and quickly push her against the wall. Someone walks in the door but we pay no attention. Yelena: wow Nat and y/n never thought you 2 would be a couple. Me and Nat pull apart embarrassed. Yelena I wouldn't say anything if I was you I heard you and Wanda last might and saw you attempting to walk out off her room last night. Nat: WAIT WHAT YELENA! Yelena: if you 2 keep quiet about that I won't mention this. You and Nat; Deal.

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