"She loves third year. I forget that she's not a little kid anymore, she's a teenager. You know she's already started thinking about her O.W.L.S. and how excited she is for them?" I chuckled a bit. Sirius rolled his eyes.

"Sounds familiar" He grinned. We laughed about it for a moment, but suddenly a bright light flashed throughout the room. Floating before us was a glowing white orb. We froze for a moment before it began to speak for us.

"Hogwarts has been compromised. All Order members to headquarters" It was Dorcas' voice, and I realized this was her patronus giving us her message. I felt a chill go down my spine at her words. Hogwarts has been compromised.


The light disappeared and I sprung up from the couch, darting over to the fireplace. Sirius grabbed my arm and I turned to him.

"Estella wait, think about what you're getting yourself into" He warned me, and I shook his arm off.

"This is my sister, Sirius. I'm going to go make sure she's okay" I told him. He paused then sighed, nodding his head.

"Then I'm coming with you," He told me.

"No, you're not. You will go to meet the order like you're supposed to. They will all think something happened to you if you don't show up. I'm sure you're all headed to the castle too, so I'll just see you there" I tried to assure him. In reality, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I just had to protect Sadie.

"Okay, fine. Just don't get into any trouble. Find Sadie and that's it" He told me. I nodded my head. He grabbed the back of my head and brought our faces together in a rushed kiss, and I truly hoped it wouldn't be the last. "I love you," he told me breathlessly.

"I love you too" I tried not to cry as I said it before turning away and walking into the fireplace. I took one last look at him before dropping the floo powder at my feet and being engulfed by green flames.

My feet landed in the fireplace of my office in Hogwarts. I heard loud noises coming from outside the castle, and a great deal of screams. I was about to walk into the hall to find Sadie, but decided that it would be too difficult weaving through a crowd right now. I took a moment to transform into a cat before leaving my office and setting off to find Sadie.

I scurried through the hallways of the castle as the students were all being hurried to their common rooms. I climbed the stairs to Ravenclaw Tower, weaving my way through the many student's legs and causing a few to stumble a little bit. I didn't care at the moment, all I cared about was Sadie.

The common room was open because of all the students continuously entering it. I hurried along and climbed the stairs to the dorm rooms. There was a loud boom that shook the castle and all the students gasped, pausing on the stairs as I passed them faster than ever. When I finally got up to her room I was so relieved to find her sitting on her bed, face pale and eyes wide. The other girls in their separate beds all looked similar to her. I meowed and her head shot over to me, and she smiled a little bit. I hopped onto her bed and purred as she pet me. I nudged my head into her side to help assure her that everything would be alright.

Another boom rang out and I saw a flash of green light through the window. My eyes widened and I knew I couldn't wait here any longer. I had to get out there and fight.

With a last purr and meow, I hopped off of Sadie's bed and scurried back down the stairs and out of the dorm room.

The castle was basically empty at this point, so it didn't take as long as it did before to cross it. Although, as a cat, I cannot walk as fast as I could if I were in my human form.

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