Rory sighed "I really don't know this Todd guy..."

"I do."
"You've met him twice."
"But the 3rd time's a charm!"
"How do you know this guy's right for you?"
"I know, I'm telling you. We're talking soul mate here. So?"

Rory sighed in defeat and Hayden felt it too "Ok."

"Yes, Yoko."

Hayden frowned. She wanted her own Yoko.

A nudge had Hayden snap her head up, finding her mother looking at her in concern "Hey, you okay, kid?"

"Great." She put on a smile, turning her gaze back to her homework "Just getting my math on."

Lorelai pat her arm sympathetically "Been there and if I believed in God, I'd pray for ya kid."

HAYDEN'S mood didn't improve at school the next day, not when she found out Madeline and Louise also had a double date planned. But the girls did invite her and Tristan to join so all she had to do was convince her boyfriend to go.

Tristan sighed as he fished his books from locker "I can't. My dad's in town this weekend and he wants me to go to some dinner."

"Oh..." she slumped in defeat before perking up "And do you need a date to said dinner? Because I know this really cute girl..."

Tristan chuckled a little before shaking his head "Trust me, you don't want to go."

"I don't want to or you don't want me to?" She couldn't help but question.

The Dugray boy frowned as he turned to her "What?"

"Are you— are you embarrassed of me?" Hayden blurted out. Her mind was running a-mile-a-minute and she couldn't help it.

"No!" His eyes widened "No of course not."

Hayden frowned up at him, heart clenching "Then why don't you want to introduce me to your parents?"

Tristan's mouth wouldn't make a noise as he went to speak and at his silence, Hayden nodded, her fears becoming reality before she slowly turned on her heels.

The Dugray boy frowned as he watched her go "Hayden..." when she was no longer in sight, he cursed before turning and kicking the locker below his own "Dammit."

HAYDEN couldn't believe it. Even her mother had a double date. And as happy as she was for Sookie and Jackson, Hayden knew the second everyone was out of the house on their dates, she'd be sulking alone on a Friday night with a tub of Ben and Jerry's.

The youngest Gilmore watched from the couch as her mother primped in the mirror, with Sookie getting ready upstairs before Rory and Lane came rushing down, dressed and ready to go "We're going."

Lorelai glanced to her "Oh, where?"

"We're going to a movie with Dean." Lane answered quickly.

"Nothing dirty, violent or French please." Their mother requested.

Rory glanced to her "Are you going to be home late?"

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