Two roads meet forging a single one.

Start from the beginning

Before entering the cafeteria he stopped and looked at her, it would be weird at first but he wasn't ashamed of the choice so he opened the door and they walked in, still holding hands like the lovebirds they are. There were some looks but most of all it was Angela and McCree who looked at them, Genji knew to not be rude but they couldn't help it. The blonde was about to rush at them before Genji put his hand on her our keeping her in her seat. "Let them be for now, ask them in private, it's for the best." he smiled at her before turning his attention to his meal. She blushed at his action but nodded non the less. McCree tho couldn't help but shoot a smirk to Fujin, the only thing he could do was to look away to hide the embarassment of the moment.

Breakfast went by fast before Mercy dragged both of them into her office, usually she'd talk with them seperately but now she just couldn't hold herself. "Tell me all about it!" the blonde practically shouted as Fujin opened his mouth before a single word could come out there were three knocks on the door. Those knocks belonged to the cyborg ninja who asked for Fujin to follow him to the Strike Commander's office which he did. Now it was just Lena and Angela in the room and the doctor couldn't hold herself. "Tell me everything." Angela almost demanded, Lena kind of struggled to find the right words, probably cause she was blushing like crazy "Well... it was a tough moment and it just happened, you know.." she was smilling and blushing even more intensely than before and Angela was clapping her hands and jumping around the office. "So you're together!" she stopped inches before her face and  the brunette gave a small nod, in seconds she had the blondes arms wrapped around her and pulling her into a tight hug "These are such wonderful news!" she yelled to the point where Lena's ears hurt from it. "I'm so happy for you both." she kept clapping her hands. "Thank you Ange, means a lot knowing you support my choice." The blonde woman let go of the embrace and gave a big heartwarming smile at who she considered her younger sister. "As long as you're happy i am happy. But if he ever hurts you..." she stopped not wanting to continue, Lena gasped "Angela!" she said frowning which earned a chuckle from the medic. Tracer now got up from her seat and waved at Angela but before she walked out of the door she heard her name and stopped "When you see him tell him to pay me a visit." Lena nodded with a smile and walked out of the room.

 Hardly an hour after Fujin walked in the infirmary "Fujin!" Angela said wearing her best smile while greeting the younger man. "I know she told you so the story is the same from my side." the samurai chuckled "Well, i wanted to ask about your condition, physically and mentally. Love can wait for now." she motioned for him to sit on the bed infront of her as she sat on a chair directly across from it. They spent a good ten seconds staring at each other before Angela opened her mouth to talk since he wasn't going to. "About yesterday, you said you'd tell me." now she was more serious, this was something you don't take lightly, someone's mental health is as serious as it can get. "That's something that happens from time to time.. some sort of panic attack when i go into conflict.." Fujin explained and noticed that she was writting stuff down on a piece of paper. "And what about after, in the field, i've only seen someone like that when they suffer from PTSD,  Post-traumatic stress disorder." He looked to the side thinking, "The moment i was grabbed, it's like when my family got killed. Something similar happened back then which got my brother fataly injured and my mother killed in an instant." she nodded and went back to writting "Definetely PTSD then, ever saw someone for it..?" her tone was soft and soothing as to not get any intense during a talk like this. Fujin shrugged his head, "I can give you some medication but i can't promise that it will go away.." she wanted to help so much but there is only so much you can do about a person's mental wellness. "I know, no one can.." he gave her a sad smile before looking away. "Think you can do a little check up on my shoulder? I think it got kind of busted upon my landing yesterday." the man looked at her once again this time with a genuine smile, he was fucked up yes, but now he knew he had people that cared for him. Angela smiled and got up "For sure." she walked to the back of the bed and started examing his shoulder which was honestly, really screwed up.

-An hour after

"FUJIN!" Lena stormed into the room crashing over some of the man's stuff that was on the ground which lead to her falling on the bed and then she recalled back and stepped to the side of the boxes continuing her way towards the man and when she reached him she squeezed the life out of him by hugging him. "What happened?" he pulled his upper body slightly back to look her in the eyes "I just talked with the commander and we have about 4 days to go and visit England starting tomorrow!" she cheered and blinked around the room collecting stuff and throwing it in his arms "Start packing luv!" she blinked infront of him handing him a mug "Why would we-" he pointed at the mug and she shrugged "Don't ask questions, get your things ready and packed we leave tomorrow around eleven pm." she threw two bags at him smashing him in the face in the proccess. 

This was going to be a really entertaining journey... 

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